Annotation:Lord Cornwallis' Jigg

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LORD CORNWALLIS' JIGG. AKA and see "Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself (1)," "When Sick is it Tea You Want?." English, Jig. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. A version of the Irish jig "When Sick is it Tea You Want" or "Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself," given a title honoring Lord Charles Cornwallis [1] (1738-1805), the British commander who surrendered at the siege of Yorktown (1781) to end the War of Independence. Cornwallis subsequently had significant roles in both Ireland and India as a soldier and administrator.

Source for notated version: the 1800-02 music manuscript copybook of ship's fiddler Biography:William Litten [Huntington].

Printed sources: Huntington (William Litten's Tune Book), 1977; p. 30.

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