Annotation:Over the Bridge to Judy
X:1 T:Over the Bridge to Judy M:C L:1/8 R:Reel N:Goodman obtained the tune from a collection provided by 19th century N:Dublin bookseller John O'Daly, according to Hugh and Lisa Shields. N:2nd strain in key of C probably. S:Rev. James Goodman music manuscript collection (vol. 2, p. 154) N:Canon Goodman was a uilleann piper and cleric who collected primarily N:in County Cork from a variety of sources in the mid-19th century F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G E|(GE)(AF) GEDE|GecA A2 GE|GecA GAcd|edcA d2 cA:| cdef gage|gage f2 ed|cdef gage|aged d2 cA| cdef gage|gage f2 ed| cdef g2a2|bage d2 cA||
OVER THE BRIDGE TO JUDY. Irish, Reel (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The tune is contained in vol. 2 (p. 154)[1] of the large mid-19th century music manuscript collection of County Cork cleric and uilleann piper wikipedia:James_Goodman_(musicologist). Goodman manuscripts researchers Hugh and Lisa Shields find a cognate reel that appears as "A Munster Reel" in Charles Villiers Stanford's edition of the music collection of George Petrie (Stanford/Petrie, 1905, No. 894). Petrie (1790-1866) obtained the tune from a younger collector, P.W. Joyce (1827-1914), but Petrie had some doubts about its pedigree for his collection, for he penciled in alongside the tune in his ms., "not to be used, too Scotch?"