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Annotation:Same Time Today as it was Yesterday

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X:1 T:Same Time Today as it was Yesterday S:John Summers (Indiana) M:C| L:1/8 F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/same-time-today-it-was-yesterday D:Folkways FW03809, John Summers - Fine Times at Our House (1964) Z:Transcrbed by Andrew Kuntz K:A A>=G|:E2=C2 DEFD|EFGE FA2c|BAcA dAcA|BAcB A=GFD| E2[=C2E2]DEFD|EFGE FA2e|f2 g2a2ed|cABG A4:| {efg} a2(f/a/f) ece(g|b)e2(g b)e3| {efg}a2 (f/a/f) eceg|be2g be3 | {efg}a2 (f/a/f) ec2B|[c3e3] [c3e3]A Bc|dfeg f2 ge|agaf edcB|AEcB A4||

SAME TIME TODAY AS YESTERDAY. AKA and see “Sharp's Hornpipe (1).” American, Reel (cut time). A Mixoylydian/Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune features shifts in tonality in the 'A' part, and the 'B' part is irregular with nine bars. It is sourced to fiddler John Summers (1887-1976), born on a small farm in Union Township, Howard Co., Indiana. See also the related "Half Past Four."

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Sarah Hiebert with the Moving Cloud Orchestra [Phillips].

Printed sources : - Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 1), 1994; p. 214.

Recorded sources : - Folkways FW03809, John Summers - "Fine Times at Our House" (1964).

See also listing at :
Hear John Summers' recording at Slippery Hill [1]

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