Annotation:Sit around a Cheerful Hearth

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X:1 T:Sit around the Cheerful Hearth M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Moderate" S:O’Neill – Music of Ireland (1903), No. 504 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D Minor F>G | A>BAG AD Dz/E/ | F>GFD G3 F/G/ | A>BAG ADDE | F>A G/F/E/F/ D3 || D/E/ | F>GAB c>dcA | d>^cde f2 ed | c>AFG AD Dz/E/ | F>A G/F/E/F/ D2 ||

SIT AROUND THE CHEERFUL HEARTH (Suide timcioll an teallad aoibin). AKA and see "Come draw we round a cheerful ring," "Irish Dump (An)," "Since sounding drums." Irish, Air (4/4 time). D Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Fr. John Quinn links O'Neill's "Sit around the cheerful hearth" with "Come draw we round a cheerful ring," which he suspects is probably "borrowed" from one of the George Thompson collections. Also linked by Fr. Quinn are "Irish Dump (An)" and "Since sounding drums."

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Printed sources : - O'Neill (Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies), 1903; No. 504, p. 88.

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