Annotation:Sleeping Lulu
X:1 T:Sleeping Lulu N:From the playing of Burnett and Rutherford L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Fast" D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C c2-|cea-b agfe|c(d[ee])[ee] [e2e2]cB|Ac-dc dcA2|c2BBA2 GA| cea-b agfe|c(d[ee])-[^de] [e2e2]c2|d^cde fg-a2|{f}g4g2c2-| cea-b agfe|c(d[ee])-[^de] ([e2e2]c)B|Ac-dc d-cAA|[E3c3][Ec][E2c2]Gc| dcde dccc|e2gg ed3 |[e4g4][e2g2][d2g2]|c3c c2:| |:zG|EDEG EDEG|EDEF G2G2|cBcc- dcAB|c2B2A2G>G| EDEG EDCD|EFGE G2cc|d2dc dcAc|d2cc A2G2| EDEG EDCD|EFGE G2GA|c2 cc dcA2|[E3c3][Ec] [E2c2]GA| dcde d2cc|e2 +slide+g2 ed3|[e4g4][e2g2][d2g2]|[c3e3][ce] [c2e2]:|

SLEEPING LULU. AKA and see "L and N Rag." American, Country Rag (cut time). USA; Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB (Phillips): AA'BB (Brody): AA'BB' (Songer). There are a few versions of "Sleeping Lulu," similar in key of 'C' rag structure and character, but with distinct melodic differences as well. The tune was recorded in Atlanta, Georgia, at the end of October, 1931, but the core Skillet Lickers line-up: Clayton McMichen and Lowe Stokes (fiddle), Riley Puckett (gtr.), and Gid Tanner (banjo). See also "Lulu Loves them Young." They were predated in releasing a version of the tune by the Cumberland Plateau duo of Dick Burnet (1883-1977) and Leonard Rutherford (c. 1900-1954) who recorded it in 1930. Burnet learned the tune from a man named Elmer Stany (d. 1932).