Bag of Spuds (The)
X:181 T:The Sack of Spuds T:Bag of Spuds, The M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Deloughery - Sliabh Luachra on Parade (1988, No. 181) N:From the playing of Terry Teahan Z:Patrick Cavanagh K:D A2eA Acec|ABcd e2dB|G2dB eBdB|GBdB GBdB| A2eA Acec|ABcd e2dB|ABcd edB/c/d|eage BAA2:| |:a2ea ageg|agbg agef|gedc BGG2|g2ga bged| edeg a2ga|bgaa ged2|dBde g2ge|dBGA BAA2:||
X:162 T:Bag of Spuds, The M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel K:Amix A2eA Acec|ABcd eBdB|B2dB eBdB|BcdB GBdG| A2eA Acec|ABcd eBdB|ABcd edBd|edgd BAA2:| |:a2eb ageg|agbg agef|gedc BGGd|gfga bged| edeg ageb|bgaf gedB|dGde gage|dBGA BAA2:||