Banks of the Suir (1)
X:1 T:Banks of the Suir [1] M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:"Slow" N:"From Joyce" B:Roche - Collection of Traditional Irish Music vol. 1 (1912, No. 11, p. 10) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A (AB)|(c2f2) f2|e2 (cB A)F|F2 (EF A)B|(c2e2) (c>A)| (B2A2)A2 |A4:|(AB)|(c2e2) (fg)|a2 (fa) (ge)| {g}(f>e) c2 (3efg|a2 (g2 {ag}fe)|(c2e2) e2|f4 (3efg| a2b2 .a.f|e2 (cB A)F|F2 (E>F A)B|(c2e2) (cA)|(B2A2)A2|A4||
X:1 T:Banks of the Sur [1] M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Scherzando" B:Batt Scanlon - "The Violin Made Easy and Attractive" (San Francisco, 1923, p. 34) N:Scanlon was a student of George Whelan, a North Kerry fiddle player and teacher. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (G>A)|B2"4"(e2d2)|"4"e2 (GB)AG|E2D2 .G.A|B2B2 GB|A2 (.G2.G2)|G6-| G2z2 (GA)|B2 "4"(e2d2)|"4"e2 (GB)AG|E2D2 .G.A|B2B2 GB|A2(.G2.G2)|G6-|G2z2|| |:u(GA)|B2d2 ef|g2 (ag).f.e|e2d2 .B.d|g2 (gf)ed|B2 "2"e3-"3"f|"2"e6-|e2 z2 (3def| g2 (ef).g.e|dBGBAG|E2D2 GA|B2B2 GB|A2 (.G2.G2)|G6-|G2z2||