Black Boy (2) (The)Click on the tune title to see or modify Black Boy (2) (The)'s annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Black Boy (2) (The)Query the Archive
T:Black Boy [2], The
R:Country Dance
B:William Randall - Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1771 (No. 12)
N:Randall is advertised as "Successor to the late Mr. Walsh, in Catharine Street in the Strand"
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
B3 fdf|e2c d2B|c2A G2c|A3 F3|
B3 fdf|=e2b a2g|agf gf=e|f3 F3:|
|:f2d e2c|d2B g2f|edc GAB|A3F3|
egf edc|f2A B2e|dcB cBA|B3 B,3:|]