Boatie Rows (The)
Boatie Rows (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Boatie Rows, The (Third Set) M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Johnson - Scots Musical Museum, vol. 5 (1797, pp. 439-439) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D "Very Slow"D|F<A A D |G B B>d|A<F F>D|{F}E3D|F A A>D| G B B>d|A>F (E>F)|D3 A|d A A>B|d A A>d|B>A B d| {f}e2 (d>e)|(f/e/d) (e/d/) B|A (B/c/) {ce}!fermata!d>B| A>F (F<D)|F A A>D|G B B>d|A>F E>F|D3||
X:1 T:Boatie Rows, The M:2/4 L:1/8 B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 5 B:(Glasgow, 1801, No. 163, p. 61) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|F<AAD|GBBd|A<FFD|E3D |FAAD|GBBd| A>FFD|E2 zD|d>AAB|dAA>A|BABd|e2 de| e2 d/e/|(fe/d/) fe|dB (AB/c/)|{e}!fermata!d3B|A>FFD|E3||
X:1 % T:Boatie Rows, The M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G G | (B<d) (d>.e) (d>.g) (a/g/f/e/) | (d<B) (B>.G) (B<A) (A>.G) | (B<d) d>e d>g (a/g/f/e/) | (d<g) a>b g2 (.g.G) | (B<d) (d>.e) (d>.g) (a/g/f/e/) | (d<B) (B>.G) (B<A) (A>.G) | (B<d) d>e d>g (a/g/f/e/) | (d<g) a>b g2g || d | (g>.d)(d>f) (g>.d)(d>.g) | {f}(e>.d)(e>.g) {f/g/}a3f | (g<b) (e<g) (d>.g) (d>.B) | {B}(A>.G)(A>.B) {A}G3f | gdd (e/f/) gdd (g/f/) |{f}e>d (e/f/g/) {f/g/}a3 (g/f/) | (g<b) (e<g) (dg/f/) {f}(e/d/c/B/) | {B}(A>.G) (A<B) {A}G2G ||
Boatie Rows (The): Annotations