Bog Carrot (The)
BOG CARROT, THE. AKA and see "Captain Francis Wemyss." Irish, Reel. This is a two-part reel in the Sliabh Luachra region of the Cork/Kerry border, and is related to "Western Lasses (The)." However, it seems derivative of the Scottish strathspey "Captain Francis Wemyss." Jackie Daly added a third part and called the whole "The Bog Carrot." As "Game Cock (1) (The)/Coileach Comhraic (An)" it appears set as a slide in Breathnach's CRÉ IV (1996, No. 62).
Recorded source: Green Linnet SIF 1051, Jackie Daly, Seamus & Manus McGuire - "Buttons and Bows" (1984).
X: 1 T: Bog Carrot (reel) % abc<BB D: "Raise the Rafters" (PJ King, K.Crawford, M.O Malley) R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q: 1/8=360 K: D D | FAdA BdAd | BdAF E2 DE | FAdA BdAd | BdAF E2 D :| e | f2 fe defg | afdf e2 de | f2 fe dfef | dBAF E2 D :| e | afdf afdf | ge=ce gece | afdf afdf | ge^ce d3e | afdf afdf | ge=ce gece | afge fdec | dbAF D4 |]
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