Caller Herring
X:1 T:Caller Herring M:C L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:G. Graupner - Cotillions and Country Dances No. 2 (Boston, 1808, p. 1) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A2|d2 d>d c2 de|fBed cABc|d2 d>d c2 de|fdec d2A2| d2 d>d c2 de|fBed cABc|d2 d>d c2 de|fdec d2:| |:d2|cBAG FEDd|cBAG FEDd|cBAG FFGA|B2 e>d c>AB>c| d2 d>d c2 de|fBed cABc|d2 d>d c2 d>e|fdec d2:|]
X:1 T:Caller Herring M:C L:1/8 R:Air B:J. Anderson - Anderson's Budget of Strathspeys, Reels & Country Dances B: for the German Flute or Violin (Edinburgh, 1820, p. 12) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A|d2 d>d c2 (d>e)|f>Be>d (cA)(Bc)|d2 d>d c2 (d>e)|(fd).e.c d2 z:| |:d'|.c'.b.a.g .f.e.d.d'|.c'.b.a.g. .f.e.d.d'|.c'.b.a.g. .f(fga)|bBe>d cABc| d2 dd c2 (d>e)|fB e>d cABc|d2 d>d c2 (d>e)|f>ge>f d2:| |:a|d'2 d'>d' c'2 (d'>c')|bagf efg^g|a2 a>a ^g2 (a>b)|c'd'b>a a3f| g2 g>g f2 (g>a)|bBe>d cABc|d2 d>d c2 d(b/g/)|(f>g) (e>c) d3:|]
X:1 T:Caller Herring M:C L:1/8 R:Air B:”Melodist: A Collection of music in two volumes" (1826-1859, No. 109, pp. 58-59) N:The melodist is a musician's ms., probably by a fiddler, that contains both N:tunes and songs from a variety of sources, American and European. The N:inscription on the inside cover reads, "This is from the Bridge family of N:Augusta, Maine (Horatio Bridge, friend of Hawthorne's)". However, entries in N:the ms. were in different hands indicating several contributors. N:The ms. is neat and the notation studied and precise. F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G d2|g2 g>g (f2g>)a|(beag) (fdef)|g2 g>g (f2g>)a|(bg)(af) g2:| |:g2|.f.e.d.c .B.A.G.g|.f.e.d.c B.A.G.g|.f.e.d.c .B(Bcd)|e2 (a>g) (fdef)| g2g>g (f2g>)a|(be)(ag) (fdef)|g2g>g (f2g>)a|(bg)(af) g2:|
X:1 T:Caller Herring M:C C:Nathaniel Gow L:1/8 Q:"Not too fast" B:Manson – Hamilton’s Universal Tune Book vol. 1 (1854, p. 126) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb F|B2 B>B A2 B/z/c/|dGc>B AFGA|B2 B>B A2 B z/c/|d>Bc>A B3:| |:b|.a.g.f.e .d.c.B.b|.a.g.f.e .d.c.B.b|.a.g.f.e .d.e.=ef|gGc>B AFGA| B2 B>B A2 B z/c/|dGc>B AFGA|B2 B>B A2 B z/c/|d>ecB B2:| |:f|b2 bb a2 b z/a/|gfed cde=e|f2 f>f =e2 f z/g/|a>bg>f f3d| e2 e>e d2 e>f|gGc>B AFGA|B2 B>B ABge|d>ec>B B3:|]
X:2 T:Caller Herring M:C L:1/8 R:Slow Air S:MacDonald - Skye Collection (1887) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb F|B2 B>B A2 Bz/c/|(dB) c>B A(FGA)|B2 B>B A2 Bz/c/|(dB) (cA) B3:| |:[gb]|[fa][eg][df][eg] [Bd][Fc][DB][gb]|[fa][eg][df][eg] [Bd][Fc][DB][gb]| [fa][eg][df][eg] [Bd][=Bd][ce][df]|gG ~c>B (AF)GA|B2 B>B (A2 B)z/c/| dG ~c>B (AF)GA|B2 B>B A2 Bz/c/|de c>B B3:| |:f|b2 b>b a2 bz/a/|(gfed) cde=e|f2 f>f (=e2 f)z/g/|a>b g>f f3d|e2 e>e d2 e>f| gG c>B (AFGA)|B2 B>B A2 Bg/e/|d>e d>B [D3F3B3]:||