Caves of Cong (The)
Caves of Cong (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:Caves of Cong, The M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:”Author and date unknown.” B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, No. 83, p. 63) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb F2|(.B>.c.d.e .c.A)|Bz TB2 cA|Fz F2 (ED)|E3 (.F .G.A)|(B2 B2) FG/A/| (.B>.c.d.e c.A)|Bz TB2 c>A|F3 ED|(C2B,2) B,2|B,4|| (.B.G)|(.A.G.F.E .C.D)|B,2 z_A2 (GF)|Ez F2 ED| .E3 (.F .G.=A)|(B2 B2) (.F.A)|(B>c) (.d.e.c.A)|[D3B3] (A/B/) (cA)|F3 (G/F/) (.E.D)|T(C2B,2),B,2|B,4:|]
X:1 % T:Caves of Cong (The) M:3/4 L:1/8 B:O'Neill - Music of Ireland (1903, No. 161) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A2|d>e fg ec|dz Td2 ec|AzA2 GF|G3 A Bc|(d2 d2) (AB/c/)| d>e fg ec|dz ~d2 e>c |A3 B GF|E2D2D2|D4|| dB|cB AG EF| Dz=c BA|GzA2 GF|G3 ABc|(d2d2) Ac| d>e fg ec|d3 c/d/ ec|A3 B/A/ GF|TE2D2D2|D4||