Circassian Circle

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 Theme code Index    1H3H1H3H 1H3H1H3H
 Also known as    Rugley Ford, Hill's Fancy
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    England, Scotland, Canada, United States
 Genre/Style    Contra, English, Northumbrian/Borders, Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Country Dance, Hornpipe/Clog
 Key/Tonic of    B
 Accidental    2 flats
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 History    ENGLAND(North East), ENGLAND(North West)
 Structure    AB, AABB
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:James Manson
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Hamilton's Universal Tune Book vol. 1
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 135
 Year of publication/Date of MS    c. 1854
 Artist    Biography:Jim MacLeod & His Band
 Title of recording    Scottish Dances: Jigs, Waltzes and Reels
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Tradition 2118
 Year recorded    1979
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Circassian Circle M:C L:1/8 B:Manson – Hamilton’s Universal Tune Book vol. 1 (1854, p. 135) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion N:The initial pick up bar has been corrected (dc instead of d/c/) K:Bb dc|BFdc B2d2|BFdc B2d2|cFed c2e2|cFed c2e2| BFdc B2d2|BFdc B2d2|cdec AFGA|B2d2B2:| |:z2|Bdfe d2f2|dBdf bfdB|cFed c2e2|cdcB Ac f2| dBfe d2f2|dBdf bfdB|ABcB AFGA|B2d2B2:|]

X:69 T:Circassian Circle. WI.069 M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/2=80 C:"A Hornpipe" B:Wm Irwin, Folio MS, c1850. AGG's Transcription R:.Hornpipe O:England A:Lake District Z:vmp.Chris Partington.2005 K:Bb dc|B<Fdc B2dc|B<Fdc B2ed|c<Fed c2ed|c<Fed cdcB| B<Fdc B2dc|B<Fdc BcdB|cded cFGA|B2d2B2:| |:fe|dBfe d2fe|dfga bfed|cFed c2ed|cdcB Agfe| dBfe d2fe|dfga bfed|cdcB AFGA|B2d2B2:|

X:1 T:Hill's Fancy T:AKA – Circassian Circle M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Lister MS (East Bolden, Northumberland, mid-19th century) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb FA|BFdc B2 dc|BFdc B2 ed|cFed c2 ed|cFed cgec| dFdc Bdcd|BFdc BfdB|Agec FAGA|B2d2B2:| |:fe|dBfe d2 fe|(d/c/)B fB bBfB|AFcB A2 cB|AFeF cFce| d/c/B fe d2 fe|d/c/B fB gBfB|Agec AFGA|B2d2B2:|

X:1 T:Circassian Circle M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:Howe - 1000 Jigs and Reels (c. 1867) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D fe | dAfe d2f2 | dAfe d2f2 | eAgf e2g2 | eAgf e2g2 | dAfe d2f2 | dAfe d2f2 | efge cABc | d2f2d2 || z2 | fdag f2a2 | fdfa d'afd | eAgf e2g2 | efed ce a2 | fdag f2a2 | fdfa d'afd | cded cABc | d2f2d2 ||

X:1 T:Circassian Circle M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Milne – Middleton’s Selection of Strathspeys, Reels &c. for the Violin (1870, p. 40) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A (cB)|AecB A2c2|AecB A2c2|Bedc B2d2|Bedc BdcB| AecB A2c2|AecB A2c2|BcdB AEFG|A2c2A2:| |:(ed)|cAed c2e2|cAce aecA|GEBA G2B2|GEBA Gbed| cAed c2e2|cAce aecA|BcdB AEFG|A2c2A2:|]

X:1 T:Circassian Circle M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:J. Kenyon Lees - Balmoral Reel Book (1910, p. 26) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B/A/|G/D/B/A/ GB|G/D/B/A/ GB|A/D/c/B/ Ac|A/B/A/G/ F/D/E/F/| G/D/B/A/ GB|G/D/B/A/ GB|A/E/c/A/ F/D/E/F/|GBG|| d/c/|d/B/d/c/ Bd|d/B/d/B/ g/d/B/G/|A/D/c/B/ Ac|A/B/A/G/ F/A/d/c/| B/G/d/c/ Bd|B/G/d/B/ g/d/B/G/|A/E/c/A/ F/D/E/F/|GBG||