Crown Point (1)
CROWN POINT [1]. American, Reel. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Crown Point is the name of a Colonial fort in upper New York, famous during the French and Indian War. Ford has another tune, perhaps a companion piece of sorts called "Ticonderoga" (a neighboring New York fort).
Printed source: Ford (Traditional Music in America), 1940; p. 94.
X:1 T:Crown Point [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Ira Ford - Traditional Music in Amercia (1940) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B/c/|de/c/ dc/A/|B/d/A/F/ GA/B/|c/d/A/F/ DE/F/|G/E/D/B,/ G,B/c/| de/c/ dc/A/|B/d/A/F/ GA/B/|c/d/B/c/ A/F/D/A/|G2 G:| |:e/f/|ga fd|e/f/e/d/ BG/A/|Be e/f/e/d/|BA Ae/f/| gabf|a/b/a/g/ eA/B/|c/d/B/c/ A/F/D/A/|(G2 G):||
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