Damon's Winder
X:1 T:Damon's Winder M:C L:1/8 R:Reel S:Bruce Molsky N:ABC's from a transcription by John Lamancusa, by permission. See http://www.mne.psu.edu/lamancusa/tunes.htm Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D ((A2 |: A)B)de (fe)df | e(de)f (ga)ge | (AB)de (fe)df | ed2B A2FF | (AB)de (fe)df | e(de)f g2 (g(b | b2)) e^g (ae)cA |1 d2d2d2 dB :|2 d2d2d2(A2 || |: A)(BA)G (FG)AF | DF2D A,2 (A,B,|=C)E2C A,2 A,B, | =C2EC A,2 (A2 | A)(BA)G (FG)AF | DF2D A,2 (A,B, | =C2)C2(A,2 {B,/A,/}G,2) |1 A,2 [(D2D2]D2)(A2 :|2 A,2 [(D2D2]D4) ||
X:1 T:Damon T:Damon's Winder N:From the playing of Carlton Rawlings (1907-1969, Bath N:County, Ky.), from a field recording that came into N:the possession of John Harrod in the 1970's. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Fast" N:Few slurs, mostly saw bowing. D:https://soundarchives.berea.edu/items/show/3987 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D [A2A2][A2A2] AcBA| FBAF DEFD |A,2[E2A2] CDEC |A,2[E2A2] D-F[AA][FA]| [A2A2][A2A2] AcBA| FBAF DEFD |A,2[E2A2] B,2C2 |[D4D4] [D2D2] [F2A2]-:| |:[A2A2]d2 fedf|e-def gage|Adeg fedf|edcB AGFG| ABde fedf|edef [B2g2][Bg]a|bafg agfe|1d2[d4f4]A2-:|2d2 [d4f4]FG||
X:2 T:Damon’s Winder M:4/4 L:1/8 Z:David Hansen R:Reel K:D |:A2A2 F2F2|DED=C A,2A,A,|=C2=C2 A,2A,2|,|=C2=C2 A,2A,2| A2A2 F2F2|DED=C A,2A,A,|=C2=C2 A,2G,2|A,D3D4:| |:ABde fedf|edef g4|ABde fedf|edB2A4| ABde fedf|edefg2fg|a2ab agfe|dfec d4:|