Derry Hornpipe (The)
X:1 T:Derry Hornpipe, The R:hornpipe H:Played with 2, 3 or 5 parts. Parts 4 and 5: see also "The Elks' Festival", #89 D:Seamus Ennis: The Fox Chase Z:id:hn-hornpipe-24 M:C| L:1/8 K:D AG|:F2Ad fdAF|G2Bd gdBG|F2Ad fdAF|E2Ac ecAG| F2Ad fdAF|G2Bd g2ag|(3faf df eAce|1 dfec dBAG:|2 dfec defg|| |:a2fd Adfa|g2ec Aceg|a2fd Adfd|(3efe (3dcB A2fg| a2fd Adfa|gfef g2ag|(3faf df eAce|1 dfec defg:|2 dfec dBAG|| |:(3FED AD BDAD|dcdf ecAG|(3FED AD BDAD|(3EFG FA G2AG| (3FED AD BDAD|dcdf ecAg|(3faf df eAce|1 dfec dBAG:|2 dfec defg|| ~a3b afdf|~g3a gece|~a3b afdf|(3efe (3dcB A2fg| ~a3b afdf|gfef gbag|(3faf df eAce|dfec defg|| ~a3b afdf|~g3a gece|fdge afbg|(3gfe (3dcB A2fg| afbf afdf|gfef gbag|fAdf eAce|dfec d2FG|| |:AFAd fedc|BGBd gfed|cAce (3agf ge|cedB A2FG| AFAd fedc|BGBd g2ag|fAdf eAce|1 dfec d2FG:|2 dfec dBAG||
T:Derry Hornpipe
B:Dunn Collection, Chicago, early 20th century.
N:”Some of the notation may be from Francis O'Neill's hand, it is likely the majority is
N:from Michael J. Dunn or his son, Michael J. Dunn, Jr. Since Dunn received
N:materials from James Early, it is also possible some of the work could be Early's.”
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
A>G|F2 A>d f>dA>F|G2 B>d g>dB>G|F2 A>d f>dA>F|E2 (3Bcd e>cA>G|
F2 A>d f>dA>F|G2 (3Bcd g2 a>g|f2 d>f g>ec>e|d>f (3edc d2:|
|:f>g|a2 f>d A>df>a|g2 e>c A>cf>g|a2 f>d A>dg>f|(3efd (3cdB A2 f>g|
a2 f>d A>df>a|g>fe>f g>ba>g|f2 d>f g>ec>e|d>f (3edc d2:|]