Duchess of Atholl (3)
X:1 T:Dutchess of Athole's Reel T:Duchess of Athole [3] S:Petrie's Second Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c. Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 6/11/04 N:Petrie's Second Collection, page 21 % Gore's index gives earliest publication as Daniel Dow's % "37 New Reels & Str. For the Vn. Hchd. Or G.Fl." late 1770s L:1/8 M:C R:Reel K:A E|A2 cA eAcA|B/B/B ce fefa|eaca TB(ABc)|AFEF A/A/A A:| |:A|EAEA FAEA|FATBA dcBA|EAEA FAEf |ecBc A/A/A A:||