Enfield Common
X:1 T:Enfield Common M:3/2 L:1/8 B:Playford - Dancing Master (1701) K:Dmin f2g2e2|f2d4 a2 b2g2|a2 f4 a2g2e2|f2d2 e2A2 d2^c2|d2 D4:| |:e2f2d2|g2e4c2e2c2|f2c4 A2c2A2|d2B2G2g2d2e2|f2F4f2 A2c2| B2d4g2=B2d2|^c2e4a2e2g2|f2d2e2A2d2^c2|d2D4:||
X:1 T:Enfield Common M:3/2 L:1/8 N:”Longways for as many as will.” B:John Walsh – Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth B: (London, 1740, No. 143) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Dmin f2g2e2|f2d4a2b2g2|a2f4a2g2e2|f2d2e2A2d2^c2|d2 D4|| e2f2d2|g2e4 c2e2c2|f2c4A2c2A2|d2B2G2 g2c2e2|f2F4f2A2c2| ^B2d4 g2^B2d2|^c2e4a2e2g2|f2d2e2A2 d2^c2|d2 D4||
X:1 T:Enfield Common M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:Elias Howe – Musician’s Omnibus Nos. 6 & 7 (Boston, 1880-1882, p. 613) B: http://ks4.imslp.net/files/imglnks/usimg/c/c7/IMSLP601433-PMLP562790-ONeill_Rare_Medium_M40_M8_v6.7_text.pdf Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Dmin fge|fd2 abg|af2 age|fde Ad^c|d D2:| efd |g2e cec|f c2 AcA|dBG gce|f F2 fAc| =Bd2 gBd|=ce2 aeg|fde Ad^c|d D2||
X:1 T:Enfield Common M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Triple Hornpipe B:Moffat - Dances of the Olden Time (1922, p. 16) Z:AK/FIddler's Companion K:Dmin f2g2e2|f2 d4 a2 b2g2|a2 f4 a2g2e2|f2d2e2A2d2^c2|d2 D4:| |:e2f2d2|(g2e4) c2e2c2|(f2c4) A2c2A2|d2B2G2g2 c2e2| (f2F4) f2A2c2|(=B2d4) g2B2d2|(^c2 e4) a2e2g2|f2d2e2A2d2^c2|d2 D4:|]