England's Glory
X: 1 T:England's Glory,aka. JBa.43 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=80 S:Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762. R:.reel O:England A:Carlisle N:No key signature given, but version from Rutherford is in G Z:vmp.C.Graebe. F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/barnes_j.abc K:C Major P:"_no key sig,See note-tune as in ms" g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG FGAB cA A2 (g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG FGAc BG G2 :|! |:B2 DG BG AG BG DG BG cAA2 cd ef ge dB cA dc BG G2 ||! zzzz|! K:G major P:"^Edited by ref. to Country Dances, Pub.Rutherford 1758" |:z|(g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG| FGAB cA A2 | (g/f/e/f/) gd cBAG| FGAc BG G :|! |:B| DGBG AGBG |DGBG cAAB | cdef gedB| cAdc BG G:|
X:1 T:England's Glory,aka. HSJJ.141 T:Parson in the Suds,aka. HSJJ.141 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 S:HSJ Jackson,Wyresdale,Lancs.1823 R:.Reel O:England A:Lancashire N:Illegible dance instructions. H:1823 Z:vmp.Chris Partington. F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/hsjJack.abc K:A agae ceAc|dBcA GBBg|agae ceAc|dBcA EAA2:|! |:cAeA fAeA|dBcA GBBd|cedf egac|(3dcB cA EAA2:|