George the Fourth Reel
X:1 T:George the Fourth Reel M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Milne – Middleton’s Selection of Strathspeys, Reels &c. for the Violin (1870, p. 3) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin B,2|A,2 (EA,) ^FA,EA,|A,2 (ED) CA,A,B,|A,2 (EA,) ^FA,E^F|G2 (DC) B,G,G,:| B|(c/B/A e)A aAeA|(c/B/A e)A cAAB|(c/B/A/ e)A aAd^f|g2 (dc) BGGe| (c/B/A e)A aAeA|(c/B/A e)d cAAB|c2 ec B2 dB|Agdg BGG||"Last"[A,EA]|[A,4E4A4]|]
X:1 T:George the Fourth Reel M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Honeyman - Strathspey, Reel and Hornpipe Tutor (1898) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amin B,|A,2 EA, (^FA,)EA,|A,2 ED (CA,)A,B,|A,2 EA, (^FA,)E^F|G2 DC (B,G,)G,:||B| (c/B/A) eA aAeA|(c/B/A) eA cAAB|(c/B/A) eA (aA)d^f|g2 dc (BG)Ge| (c/B/A) eA aAeA|(c/B/A) ed cAAB|c2 ec B2 dB|Agdg BGG|]