Gloucester Hornpipe (2)
X: 1 T:Gloucestershire Hornpipe [1] T:Gloucester Hornpipe [2] R:hp 32 C:Trad. ed. Barry Callaghan S:'Hard Core English' page 17D O:England A:Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire B:Hard Core English ISBN 978 085418 201 5 Z:PJHeadford 2008 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 K:G G,3G G2G2|:AGAF G2GA|BABG cBcA|BABG AGAF| G,4 G4|AGAF G2G2|FGAB AGFE|1D2D2 DCB,A,|G,4 G4:|2D2D2 D2|| |:dc|dcBA GFED|E2C2 C2ed|eded cBAG|F2D2 D2d2| dcdB e2e2|dcdB e2e2|dgfe dcBA|1G4 G2:|2G2G2 G4|] W:From the playing of George, father of Stephen Baldwin.
X: 1 T:Gloucestershire Hornpipe [1], The R:hp 32 C:Trad. ed. OSB S:Gamesters, Pickpockets and Harlots Z:PJHeadford 2011 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:2/4=75 F: K:G |:G,3G G2G2|AGAF G2GA|BABG cBcA|BABG FGAF|[G,3G3]G G2G2| AGAF G2G2|FGAB AGFE|1D2DE DCB,A,:|2D4D2|] |:dc|dcBA GFED|E2C2 C2ed|eded cBAG|F2D2 D2Bc| dBdB e2e2|dBdB e2e2|dgfe dcBA|G2B2 G2:|]