Gramachree Molly
X:63 T:Gramackree Molly. THO4.063 A:England; London O: M:C L:1/8 %Closing repeat missing at end of piece %obvious transciption error, corrected. Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2010/11.from a transcription by Fynn Titford-Mock 2007 B:Thompson's Compleat Coll. of 200 Favourite Country Dances Vol.IV. 1773-80 Q:1/4=140 K:D D|A>BA>F B>cd>B|(A>F)(D>F) (E>D)(E>F)|A>BA>F B>cd>B|A>FE>F DD/D/ D:| |:"rest added"z|{ABc}d>cd>e !wedge!d!wedge!c!wedge!B!wedge!A|B>Ad>F A>BA>F|\ {Bc}d>cd>e !wedge!d!wedge!c!wedge!B!wedge!A|B>Ad>F [A4F4]| {ABc}d>cB>A B>cd>g|!trill!(f/e/f/g/) A>f e>de>f|\ d>c!wedge!B>!wedge!A B>dg>b|{b/}a>f e>f dd/d/ [d2D2]:|
X:1 T:Gramachree Molly S:John Greenwood Manuscript #30, N.Y. Historical Society M:C L:1/16 Q:1/2=70 K:G G2 | d3ed3B e3fg3e | dB3AB3 G2AB cdef | gaba gfed| cBcd efgc | B3c A4 G4 z2 d2 | d3ed3B e3fg3e | dB3 A3B G4 d2 ef | gf3g3a g2f2e2d2 | e3dg3B d4 z2 d2 | g3fg3a g2f2e2d2 | e3dc3B e6 f2 | g3f e2d2 e3f g3e | dB3 A3B G2AB cdef | gfed edcB |edef g3c | B3c A4 G4 z2 :|
X:1 T:Gramachree Molly M:4/4 L:1/8 B:O'Flannagan - The Hibernia Collection (Boston, 1860, p. 35) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F F|c>dcA d>efd|c>AG>A F2 zc|f>efg fedc|dcfA c2 zc| f>efg fedc|dcBA !fermata!d2 ze|f>edc d>ef>d|c>A(B>c) F2 z||