Harlequin Gambols
X:1 T:Harlequin Gambols M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Samuel, Ann & Peter Thompson -- Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 5 (1788, p. 8) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb (3FGA|B2B2 Bdce|d2d2 dfeg|fbag fedc|dBfd ecAF| B2B2 Bece|d2d2 dfeg|fbag fedc|B2B2B2:| |:(3GFE|DFDF DFDF|EGEG EGEG|(ec)(cA) (ec)(cA)|(fd)(dB) (fd)(dB)| DFDF DFDF|EGEG EGEG|(ec)(cA) (ec)(cA)|B2B2B2:|]
X:2 T:Harlequin's Gamball Hornpipe. Roose.0907 T:Harlequin's Gambols. Roose.0907 T:Grimaldi's Hp,aka. Roose.0907 T:Colosseum Hornpipe,aka. Roose.0907 T:Stage Hp,aka. Roose.0907, The T:Pet of the House,aka. Roose.0907 T:New Dick,aka. Roose.0907 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project Edmund Spriggs 2019 N:The pantomime clown Joey Grimaldi often played Harlequin N:Last note in first strain has been altered from a crotchet in the MS to a dotted crotchet in the transcription. Q:1/2=76 M:C| L:1/8 K:Bb F|B2B2Bdce|d2d2 dfeg|fbag fedc|dBfd ecBA| B2B2Bdce|d2d2 dfeg|fbag fedc|B2B2 B3:| |:FE|DBFB DBFB|EBGB EBGB|EecA EecA|DfdB DfdB| DBFB DBFB|EBGB EBGB|DfdB CecA|B2B2 B2:|
X:15 T:Stage,aka. Roose.1012, The T:Grimaldi's Hp,aka. Roose.1012 T:Pet of the House,aka. Roose.1012 T:Hornpipe. Roose.1012 B:John Roose MS,Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project. David Jacobs 2019 N:Title only "Hornpipe" in ms M:C L:1/8 Q:1/2=84 K:G D2|G2G2 GBAc|B2B2 Bdce|dgfe dcBA|BdFA GFED| G2G2 GBAc|B2B2 Bdce|dgfe dcBA|G2B2G2:| |:A2|Bdgd Bdgd|cege cege|dfaf dfaf|dgbg dgbg| Bdgd Bdgd|cege cege|dfaf dfaf|g2g2g2:|
X:1 T:Runn's Hornpipe N:A miss-hearing of "Master Byron's Hornpipe" (by Purcell?) N:A version of "Harlequin Gambols" B:Thomas Hampton music manuscript (c. 1870, Hereford, Herefordshire) M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (3DE/F/)|G2G2 G>BA>c|B2B2 B>dc>e|d>gf>e dcBA|GBdB gecA| G2G2 GBAc|B2B2 Bece|dgfe dcBA|G2B2G2:| |:(d>c)|B>gd>g Bgdg|c>ge>g c>ge>g|a>fd>f afdf|gfga bgdc| B>gd>g Bgdg|cgdg cgeg|afdf afdf|g2b2g2:|]