Invercauld's Reel (2)
X:1 T:Invercaul's Reel T:Invercauld's Reel [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Robert Bremner – “For the year 1769 a collection of scots reels, or country dances” (p. 107) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Dmix B|D/D/D EG TA>GEG|D/D/D E>G c2 ce|dBgB TA>GEG|D/D/D E>G A2A:| |:B-|c>ABG TA>GEB-|cBcd efge|dBgB TA>GEG|D/D/D E>G A3:|
X:1 T:Invercauld's Reel [2] M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Petrie - Second Collection of Strathspey Reels (1796, p. 24) N:Dedicated to Mrs. Garden of Troop Z:AK/Fiddle's Companion K:G B|D/D/D (EG) AGEG|D/D/D EG c3e|dBgB AGEG|D/D?D EG A3:| |:B|cABG AGEG|Tc(Bcd) efge|dgBg AGEG|D/D/D EG A3:|]
T:Invercauld's Reel [2]
S:Petrie's Second Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c.
Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 6/11/04
N:Petrie's Second Collection, page 24
% Gore's Index gives earliest publication as John Hamilton's
% "A Choice Coll of Scots Reels, or C.C. & Str." N.D., Petrie's may be older
B|D/D/D (EG) AGEG| D/D/D EG c3e |dBgB AGEG|D/D/D EG A3:|
|:B|cABG AGEG|(TcBcd) efge|dgBg AGEG|D/D/D EG A3:|
T:Invercald's Reel. Roose.0283
T:Invercauld's Reel [2],aka. Roose.0283
N:Invercauld's Reel, Neil Stewart's 1761 collection, p. 31
B:Roose MS, Manchester, 1850
Z:Village Music Project.2019.Greg Bradfield-Smith.
N:NB In the MS there appears to be a G minim sharing the stem with the E note.
N:This is assumed to be an error, as it is not repeated.
K:G clef=treble
B|D/D/D "_NB"E>G A>GEG|D/D/D E>G c3e|dBgB A>GEG|D/D/D E>G A3:|
|:B|c>AB>G| A>GEB|cBcd efge|dBgB A>GEG|D/D/D E>GA3:|