Jackson's Bottle of Claret
X: 1 T:Jackson's Bottle of Claret B:Cooke's Selection of the Present Favourite Country Dances B:for the Year 1796 (No. 3) R:Jig Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G D|G2G A>GA|B2g gdB|c2A BGE|G>AG GED| G2G A>GA|B2g gdB|c2A BGE|G>AG G2:| |:gfg efg|fdB B3|gfg efg|afd d2f| gfe agf|gfe edB|cBA BGE|G>AG G2:|]
X:1 T:Jackson's Bottle of Claret (#133) M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Paul Alday's Pocket Volume etc., c.1800 Z:Paul Kinder K:G D|G2 G A>GA|B2 g gdB|c2 A BGE|G>AG GED| G2 G A>GA|B2 g gdB|c2 A BGE|G>AG G2:| |:d|gfg efg|fdB B3|gfg efg|afd d2 f| gfe agf|gfe edc|cBA BGE|G>AG G2:||
X:1 T:Jackson's Bottle of Claret M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Patrick McGahon music manuscript collection (1817, No. 62) N:McGahon was a scribe of Irish language literature who lived in N:Dungooley, County Louth, on the Armagh border. He was a N:teacher with The Irish Society in the early 19th century, but little N:else is known about him. A few tunes in the ms. are written in other N:hands. B:Pádraigín Ní UIallacháin – “A Hidden Ulster” (2003, p. 453) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|G2G AGA|B2g gdB|c2A BGE|GAG G>ED| G2G AGA|B2g gdB|c2A B>GE|GAG G2:| |:g|gfg efg|fdB B3|gfg efg|afd d2f| gfe agf|gfe edB|cBA BGE|GAG G2:|
X:1 T:Jackson’s Bottle of Claret M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:John Rook music manuscript collection (1840, p. 27) N:Rook was a multi-instrumentalist from Waverton, near Wigton, Cumbria N:Rook drew a picture of a small bottle instead of the word in the title in the ms. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|G2G AGA|B2g gdB|c2A BGE|GAG GED| G2G AGA|B2g gdB|c2A BGE|GAG G2:| |:d|gfg efg|fdB B2B|gfg efg|afd d2f| gfe agf|gfe edB|cBA BGE|GAG G2:|]
X:1 T:Jackson’s Bottle of Claret M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Rev. James Goodman music manuscript collection (vol. 2, p. 164) N:Canon Goodman was a uilleann piper and cleric who collected primarily N:in County Cork in the mid-19th century F:http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-two#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=167&z=-5155.8953%2C0%2C18487.7906%2C6432 F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive goodman.itma.ie Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|G2G AGA|c2g gdB|c2A BGE|GAG GED| G2G AGA|B2g gdB|c2A BGE|GAG G2:| |:d|gfg efg|fdc c2B|gfg efg|afd d2f| gfe agf|gfe edB|cBA BGE|GAG G2:|]
X:1 T:Jig T:Jackson’s Bottle of Claret N:No. 5 in a set of quadrilles with “Ballinamony Horo,” “Irish Washerwoman,” N:“Girl I Left Behind Me,” “My Love is but a Lassie Yet,” M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 3, c. 1883, No. 95, p. 37) B: http://grier.itma.ie/book-three#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=36&z=-481.5488%2C1423.3142%2C3443.1455%2C1433.8099 N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|G3 BAG|Bdg dBG|DGG BAG|EAA AFD| DGG BAG|BAG dBG|c2A BGD|E2FG2G2:| |:f|gfg efg|fdB B2f|gfg efg|afd def| gfe agf|gfe dcB|cBA BGE|GAG G2:|]