Jackson's Morning Brush
X:1 T:Jackson’s Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 1 (1782, No. 22, p. 8) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fee e2f| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA d2e|fee e2g| fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2:|]
X:2 T:Jackson's Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Jackson's Celebrated Irish Tunes (Dublin, 1790) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2f|gee e2D| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| g|fed f/g/af|fda fdB|AFA dfa|gfg e2g| fed f/g/af|g/a/bg f/g/af|fed e/f/ge|fdd d2:| g|fdf ece|dBd AGF|EFG dfa|gfg e2g| fdf edc|dB/c/d/B/ AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2:|]
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Brush S:Micah Hawkins music manuscript collection (p. 3) N:Hawkins (1777-1825) was a NYC tavern owner and musician who wrote the N:first American two-act opera. He was the uncle of painter and N:fiddler William Sidney Mount. M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fee e2f| DFE DFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:e|fed fad|fda fdB|AFA d2e|fee e2g| fed fad|fda fdB|AFA d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA d2e |fee e3| fdf ede|dBd AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2:|
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Patrick McGahon music manuscript collection (1817, No. 61) N:McGahon was a scribe of Irish language literature who lived in N:Dungooley, County Louth, on the Armagh border. He was a N:teacher with The Irish Society in the early 19th century, but little N:else is known about him. A few tunes in the ms. are written in other N:hands. B:Pádraigín Ní UIallacháin – “A Hidden Ulster” (2003, p. 452) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fee e2f| DFE EFDDFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fed fad|fda fdB|AFA d2e|fed e2g| fed fad|fda fdB|AFA d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA d2e|fee e2g| fdf ece dBd|AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2:|]
X:1 T:Jackson’s Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:John Hall – “A Selection of Strathspeys Reels, Waltzes & Irish Jigs” (c. 1818, p. 11) B: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/104981834 N:”Printed and sold by John Hall, at his Music Room.” N:Hall was a music teacher in Ayr, Scotland. N:Hall (1788-1862) was a music teacher in Ayr, Scotland. His dancing master’s ‘kit’ N:(a small fiddle) used in his dancing lessons, is still preserved. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F/E/|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB dfa|gee e2 F/E/| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB ~d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fed (f/g/a)f|(g/a/b).g (f/g/a).g|.f.e.d (f/g/a).f|gee e2g| fed (f/g/a)f|(g/a/b)g (f/g/a).g|fed ceg|fdd d2:| |:g|fdf edc|dcB AGF|DFA dfa|gee e2g| fdf edc|dcB AGF|DFA ~d2e|fdd d2:| |:D|DFA A,CE|DFA (B/G/)F/E/D/C/|DFA dfa|{a}gfg (e/c/)A/G/F/E/| DFA A,CE DFA (B/G/)F/E/D/C/|DFA ~d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fed Aaf|Bbg Aag|f/a/g/f/e/d/ Dfa|gfg eag| fdA Ffa|gfg Eag|fed ceg|fdd d2:| |:g|fdb eca|dBb AGF|DFA dfa|{a}gfg e2g| f/a/g/f/e/d/ e/g/f/e/d/c/|d/f/e/d/c/B/ A/B/A/G/F/E/|DFA ~d2e|fdd d2:|]
X:1 T:Jackson’s Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:”Composed by Jackson about 1776” B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, No. 124, p. 95) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|(DFE) (EFD)|(DFA) (AFA)|(BAB) (def)|(gee) (.e2.D)| (DFE) (EFD)|(DFA) (AFA)|(BAB) (.d2.e)|(fdd) .d2|| g|(fed) (fag)|(fda) (fdB)|(AFA) (def)|(gee) (.e2.g)| (fed) (fag)|(fda) (fdB)|(AFA) (.d2.e)|(fdd) .d2|| .g|(fdf) (ece)|(dBd) (AFA)|(DFA) (def)|(gee) (.e2.g)| (fdf) (ece)|(dBd) (AFA)|(DFA) (.d2.e)|(fdd) .d2||
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Henry Hudson manuscript collection c. 1841 (Dublin, No. 293) N:Hudson was a Dublin dentist and an early collector. He was N:music editor of The Citizen or Dublin Monthly Magazine from N:1841-1843. N:”A favourite Country Dance for the Year 1778 from Walker’s N:Hibernian Magazine for 1778.” F: http://rarebooks.library.nd.edu/digital/bookreader/MSE_1434-2/#page/7/mode/1up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2f|gee e2D| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fed (f/g/a)f|fda fdB|AFA dfa|gfg e2g| fed f/g/af|g/a/bg f/g/af|fed e/f/ge|fdd d2:| |:g|fdf ece|dBD AGF|EFA dfa|gfg e2g2| fdf edc|dB/c/d/B/ AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2:|] %“Turn your partner, and 2nd Lady, the same with 2nd man; %Whole figure; Cross over first Couple; Right and Left.”
X:1 T:Jackson’s Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Allegro" B:William Forde – 300 National Melodies of the British Isles (c. 1841, p. 29, No. 94) B: https://www.itma.ie/digital-library/text/300-national-melodies-of-the-british-isles.-vol.-3-100.-irish-airs N:William Forde (c.1795–1850) was a musician, music collector and scholar from County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB def|gee e2D| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2|| g|fed faf|ede fdB|AFA def|gee e2g| fed faf|ede fdB|AFA d2e|fdd d2||
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:"Allegro" B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1 (1858, No. 26, p. 11) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB de[df]|[ge][ce][ce] [c2e2]D| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2[Ae]|[df][Fd][Fd] [F2d2]|| g|fed faf|ede fdB|AFA de[df]|[eg][ce][ce] [c2e2]g| fed faf|ede fdB|AFA d2e|[df][Fd][Fd] [F2d2]||
X:1 T:Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 N:Goodman includes the tune in his section “Jackson’s Airs” B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, vol. 4 (mid-19th century, p. 1) F:http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-four#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=4&z=-349.1933%2C403.0816%2C7751.005%2C2953.0092 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB def|gfg e2A| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fed faf|gbg faf|fed faf|gfg e2g| fed faf|gbg faf|ADA d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fdB ecA|dcB AGF|DFA def|gfg e2g| fdB ecA|dcB AGF|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:g|fed fag|fda fdB|AFA def|gee e2g| fed fag|fda fdB|AFA d2e|fdd d2:|
X:1 T:Jackson’s Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Finnegan/Curtin Manuscript (Sliabh Luachra, Co. Cork, mid-19th century, No. 88, p. 39) B: https://www.itma.ie/digital-library/manuscript/finnegan-curtin-manuscript N:The ms. predates the introduction of quadrille-based polkas and slides that N:now characterize the music of Sliabh Luachra region, thought to have been N:introduced in the latter 19th century. S:Breandán Breathnach (1912-85) obtained the ms. from E. Finnegan, who had it S:from D. Curtin of Stagmount, Rockchapel, Co Cork. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D B|:AGF EFD|DFA AFA|BAB def-|gfg e2B| AGF EFD|DFA AFA|BAB gfe|1 fdd dcB:|2 fdd d2|| |:g|fed fag|fag fdB|AFA def|gfg e2g| fed fag|fag fdB|AFA gfe-|fdd d2:| |:g|faf/d/ ege/c/|ded/B/ AFD|DFA def|gfg efg| fdf ece|dcB AFD|DFA gfe|fdd d2:|
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Dress M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:Usually called "Jackson's Morning Brush." S:Philip Carolan music manuscript collection N:Philip Carolan (c. 1839-1910, Crossmolina, County Mayo), a musically literate N:farmer and fiddler who compiled his ms. probably during 1863-1873. S:Angela Buckley, thesis, “A Critical Edition of the Irish Music Manuscripts of S:Philip Carolan c. 1839-1910, vol. 2”, Waterford Institute of Technology, S:2007, p. 119. Carolan ms. 2, No. 37. K:D D|(DF)(E E)FE|(DF)(A A)FA|(BA)(B d)ef|(gf)g e2 D| (DF)(E E)FE|(DF)(A A)FA|(BA)(B d)ef|f(dd) d2:| |:g|(fe)(d f)af|(gb)(g f)ag|(fe)(d f)af|(gf)(g e)fg| (fe)(d f)af|(gb)(g f)af|(fe)(d e)fg|f(dd) d2:| |:(a/g/|f)df (ec)(e|d)Bd (AF)A|(DF)(A d)ef|(gf)(g e)fg| (fd)(f e)ce|(dB)(d A)FA|(DF)A d2e|f(dd) d2:|]
X:1 T:Jackson’s Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 3, c. 1883, No. 48, p. 20) B: http://grier.itma.ie/book-three#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=19&z=160.2081%2C414.3461%2C2784.4575%2C1078.0366 N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D2F E2F|DFA AFA|BAB def|gfg ecA| D2F E2F|DFA AFA|BABd2e|fdd d2|| g|fed fg/a/f|gbg fag|fed fg/a/f|gfg e2g| fed fg/a/f|gbg fed|BAB d2e|fdd d2|| g|fdf ece|dcB AFA|DFA def|gfg e2g| fdf ece|dcB AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2g| fdf ece|dcB AFA|DFA def|gfg efg| afd bge|fdB AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2||
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Brush M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:”By Daniel Kelleher, Clonough, Castle Island, Co. Kerry, Ireland” N:”Very good for Country Dance. To be played slow for step-dancing. P.D. N:Reidy” S:P.D. Reidy music manuscript collection, London, 1890’s (No. 3) N:”Professor” Patrick Reidy of Castleisland was a dancing N:master engaged by the Gaelic League in London to teach N:dance classes. He introduced “Siege of Ennis” and “Walls N:of Limerick” ceili dances and wrote a treatise on dancing. N:Reidy's source, Daniel Kelleher, was variously said to have been N:from Castleisland, Sliabh Luachra region, County Kerry, or from N:the native-Irish speaking region of Achadh Bolg, Múscraigh, in N:County Cork. Reg Hall (2017) also found a reference to Kelleher N:as one of the soloists who accompanied step dancing exhibitions N:at Gaelic League events in London between 1897 and 1901. According N:to Hall, Kelleher was a young fiddle player active within the N:Gaelic League. His name is attached to thirteen tunes in Reidy’s collection. F: http://rarebooks.library.nd.edu/digital/bookreader/MSE_1434-1/#page/1/mode/1up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D B|AFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB def|gfg e3| AFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| |:e|fed faf|ede fdB|AFA def|gfg e2g| fed faf|ede fdB|AFA d2e|fdd d2:|]
X:3 T:Jackson's Morning Brush N:"Collected by Delaney" B:O'Neill's 899 Z:Transcribed by Dan G. Petersen, dangp@post6.tele.dk M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig K:D D|DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB def|gfg e2D| DFE EFD|DFA AFA|BAB d2e|fdd d2:| g|fed faf|ede fdB|AFA def|gfg e2g| fed faf|ede fdB|AFA d2e|fdd d2:| g|fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA def|gfg e2g| fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2g| fdf ece|dBd AFA|DFA def|gfg e2g| afd gec|dcB AFA|DFA d2e|fdd d2|| g|fed faf|gbg faf|fed faf|gfg e2g| fed faf|gbg faf|fed eag|fdd d2:||
X:1 T:Jackson's Morning Brush S:Belfast piper R.L. O'Mealy (1873-1947), c. 1945 N:From a handwritten lesson mss. M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B: Séan Reid Society Journal No. 1 (March, 1999) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A/F/|D2F E2F|DF(A {B}A)F(A|{c}BAB) de(f|{a}gfg) e2 A/F/| (DAD) E2F|DF(A {B}A)F(A|{c}BA)B d2e|fdc d2:| |:(f/g/)|{a}fed (fga|bab) efg|{g}fed fg(a|{a}gfg) efg| fed (fga|bab) ef(g|{a}f)ed efg|fdc d2:| |:e/(f/|{g}f)ed ece|dc(B {c}AG)F|DFA de(f|{a}gfg) efg| {a}fed ece|dc(B {c}A)FA|DFA d2e|fdc d2:|]