Jim Donoghue's
X: 1 T:Jim Donoghue's R:reel M:4/4 L:1/8 N:Posted to the woodenflute mailing list December 2001 Z:Rachel Marsh K:D ~A3F BF ~F2|BFAF EFDE|AF ~F2 BFAF|EDEF D2 F| AF ~F2 BF ~F2|AF~F2 ABde|fgfe dBAF|EDEF D3z:| |:dffe ~f3e|dfed BAFA|Beed e2de|fedf edBA| dffe ~f3e|dfed BAFB|ABde fdAF|1 EDEF DEFA:|2 EDEF ~D3z||
X:659 T:Jim Donoghue's Reel R:Reel B:Treoir 2001 D:Jim Donoghue M:C| N:"Jim Donoghue's Reel" was composed by Jim Donoghue (1910-1990), who was born, and N:lived all his life in Drumacoo, Monasteraden, on the Roscommon/Sligo border between N:Ballaghaderreen and Gurteen. Another great musician who lived in the same townland N:was Jim Coleman, and outstanding fiddler from all accounts and older brother of the N:legendary Michael Coleman. In their younger days Jim Coleman and Jim Donoghue, who N:played flute, a popular duet for playing at local house dances. In his later years, N:Jim Donoghue confined himself to playing the Clare "C whistle, on which he had a N:unique, interesting style. The tune has been recorded by various musicians over the N:years. This setting was noted from the playing of Father James McDonagh, a flute N:player and native of Bunninadden, Co. Sligo. It is on a CD titled "The Mountain N:Road", which features musicians and tunes from South Sligo and NOrh Roscommon, N:published by the Coleman Heritage Society, Gurteen, Co. Sligo. K:D B| A2AF BF F2|AF F2 EFDF| A2 AF BFAF|EDEF D3B| AF F2 BF F2|AF F2 ABde|f2 fe defe|dBAF D3:| A|dffe f2 fe|dfed BAFA|Beed e2de|f2df edBc| dffe f2 fe|dfed BAFB|ABde fdef|dBAF D3:|