March in Rinaldo
X: 1 T:March in Rinaldo. BC.34 T:Malborough March,aka. BC.34 M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/2=110 C:G.F.Handel S:Benjamin Cooke MS.circa 1770, F.Kidson Coll. R:.March O:England A:Uncertain, probably northern Z:vmp.John Bagnall K:D FG|A4 A4|A6 de|fefg f2 f2|f4 a4|! fefg f2 f2|f4 a4|f2 ef gfed|e6:|! |:cd|e4 e4|e6 a2|ABcd e2 f2|g4 a4|! f2 ef gfed|e2 A2 a3 g|f2 fagf e>d|d6:| W:Almost identical to BC.36
X: 1 T:Air XX, March in Rinaldo with Drums and Trumpets % title T:Adapted by John Gay for The Beggar's Opera C: % composer O: % origin. M:C % meter L:1/8 % length of shortest note Q: % tempo K:Bb % key V:1 % voice 1 z2 z2 DE | F4 F4 | F6 Bc | dcde d2 d2 | w:Let us take the Road. Hark! I hear the Sound of Coach-es! d4 f4 | dcde d2 d2 | d4 f3 e | e2 cd edcB | w:The Hou-r of At-tack ap-proach-es, To your Arms, bra-ve Boy-s an-d c6 || AB | c4 c4 | !trill! c6 f2 | FGAB c2 d2 | w:load. See the Ball I hold! Let the Chy-mists toil like Ass- e4 f3 e | d2 cd edcB | c2 F2 f3 e | dcBc !trill! c3 B | w:es, Our Fire their Fi-re sur--pas--ses And turns all our Lead__ to_ B6 |] w:Gold.