Maurice O'Connor (1)
X:1 T:O'Connor T:Maurice O'Connor (1) M:6/8 L:1/8 B: John Lee – “A Favourite Collection of the so much admired old B:Irish Tunes, the original and genuine compositions of Carolan” B:(Dublin, 1780, p. 9) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G V:1 B/c/d/B/G GBG|c2d efg|Tfed ded|TBAG GD2| G2d B/c/dB|c2e fga|Tf2d dfd|1TB>AGz2z:|2B>AG z2 d/c/|| Bcd dBG|gGG G2 d/c/|Bcd def|aAA A2b| c'a/b/c' bg/a/b|afd dfd|e/f/ge f/g/af|g3 g2|| d|efg gag|bc'b afd|fga aba|Tg>fe dBG| GBG A/B/cA|AcA Bdg|fdf g3|g6|| V:2 clef = bass G,3G,,3|E,2D, C,3|D,3F,3|G,3G,,3| B,,2F,G,3|E,2C,D,3|D3D,3|1G,3 z3:|2 G,3 z2F,|| G,3G,,3|G,6|G,3D,3|C,3A,,2G,| A,2D,G,2G,,|D,3D,,3|C,3D,3|G,D,B,, G,,2|| z|C3B,3|G,3D3|F,3D,3|E,3G,3| B,,3F,3|D,3G,3|D,3G,3|G,,6||
X:1 T:O'Connor Maurice O'Connor (1) M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air C:Carolan B:Samuel, Anne & Peter Thompson – The Hibernian Muse (London, 1787, No. 39, p. 24) N:”A Collection of the most Favorite Compositions of Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (B/c/d/B/)G GBG|c2d efg|Tfed ded|BAG G2D| G2d (B/c/d)B|c2 e fga|Tf2d dfd|B2A G2z:| |:c/B/|Bcd dBG|gGG G2d/c/|Bcd def|aAA A2b| c'(a/b/c') /b(g/a/b)|afd dfd|(e/f/g)e (f/g/a)f|g3 g2|| d|efg gag|bc'b afd|fga aba|Tg>fe dBG| GBG (A/B/c)A|AcA (B/c/d)B|Bdg Tfdf|g3 g2||