McElligott's Fancy
X:1 T:Hornpipe, A T:McElligott's Fancy M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Michael B. Shanhan S:P.D. Reidy music manuscript collection, London, 1890’s (No. 38) N:”Professor” Patrick Reidy of Castleisland was a dancing N:master engaged by the Gaelic League in London to teach N:dance classes. He introduced “Siege of Ennis” and “Walls N:of Limerick” ceili dances and wrote a treatise on dancing. N:Reidy told O’Neill that his source, Shanahan was a “celebrated N:violinist”, the son of a piper born in Kilrush, Co. Clare, with a N:great reputation in Kerry and Limerick in the 1860’s. It is unclear N:where Shanahan was in relation to his acquaintance with Reidy N:(i.e. in London or Ireland). F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F>G|AFAc BGBd|AFAd f2 ed|ceaf edcd|(3efe (3dcB A2 FG| AFAc BGBd|AFAd f2 ed|ceaf edcd|e2d2d2:| |:e>f|gfed (3cde (3ABc|dcde f2 df|afge (3def (3Adf|(3efe (3dcB A2 FG| AFAc BGBd|AFAd f2 ed|ceaf edcd|e2 d2d2:|]
X:1 T:McElligott's Fancy M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:O'Neill - Music of Ireland (1903), No. 1778 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D F>G | A>FA>d B>GB>d | A>FA>d f2 e>d | c>eg>f e>dc>d | (3efe (3dcB A2 F>G | A>FA>d B>GB>d | A>FA>d f2 e>d | c>eg>f e>dc>e | d2 f2 d2 :| |: e>f | g>fg>e c>AB>c | d>cd>e f2 e>f | g>fg>e c>AB>c | (3dfe (3dcB A2 F>G | A>FA>d B>GB>d | A>FA>d f2 e>d | c>eg>f e>dc>e | d2 f2 d2 :|
X:1 T:McElligott's Hornpipe S:Belfast piper R.L. O'Mealy (1873-1947), c. 1945 N:From a handwritten lesson mss. M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Séan Reid Society Journal No. 1 (March, 1999) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FG|{c}(A>F)A>d {c}(B>G)B>d|{c}(AF)Ad f2 e(f|[a}g>)(fg>)e cA(3Bcd|(3efe (3dcB A2 FG| {c}(A>F)A>d {c}(B>G)B>d|{c}(AF)Ad f2 e(f|{a}g>fg>)e cABc|d2f2d2:| |:ef|{a}g>fg>)e cABc|d>cd>e {a}f2 ef|{a}(g>fg>)e cA(3Bcd|(3efe (3dcB {c}A2 FG| {c}(A>F)A>d {c}(B>G)B>d|{c}(AF)Ad {a}f2 ef|{a}(g>fg>)e cABc|d2f2d2||