Miller's Reel (1)
X:1 T:Miller's Reel [1] C:Zeke Backus M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Coes Album of Jigs and Reels, something new, for professional and amateur violinists, B:leaders of orchestras, quadrille bands, and clog, reel and jig dancers; consisting of a B:Grand Collection of entirely New and Original Clog-Hornpipes, Reels, jigs, B:Scotch Reels, Irish Reels and Jigs, Waltzes, Walk-Arounds, etc. (1876, p. 26) N:Coes performed with the San Francisco Minstrels in California from 1852 to 1859. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A,C/E/ DF/A/|EG/B/ Ac/A/|B/E/c/E/ d/E/c/E/|B/E/c/B/ A/F/E/C/| A,C/E/ DF/A/|EG/B/ Ac/e/|{g}f/e/f/g/ a/g/a/f/|e/c/B/c/ A:| |:(3e/f/g/|ag/a/ f/e/c/e/|bb/g/ a/g/f/e/|g/e/b/e/ g/b/e/g/|f/e/^d/f/ e(3e/f/g/| ag/a/ f/e/c/e/|f/g/a/g/ f/e/c/e/|f/B/g/B/ a/f/e/d/|c/A/B/G/ A:|]
X:1 T:Miller’s Hornpipe [2] T:Miller's Reel [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe C:Zeke Bacus [sic] B:Köhler’s Violin Repository vol. 3 (1885, p. 203) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A,2 CE D2 FA|E2 GB A2 cA|(BE)(cE) (dE)(cE)|(BE)cB (AF)EC| A,2 CE D2 FA|E2 GB A2 ce|{g}(fe)fg (ag)af|e(cBc) A2:| |:(3efg|a2 ga (fe)ce|b2 bg (ag)fe|gebe gbeg|fe^df e2 (3efg| a2 ga (fe)ce|fgag fece|(fB)(gB) afed|cABG A2:|]
X:2 T:Miller's Reel [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel K:A |:E2|A,2 CE D2 FA|E2 GB A2 cA|BE cE dE cE|BE cB AF EC| A,2 CE D2 FA|E2 GB A2 ce|fe fg ag af|ec Bc A2:| |:(3efg|a2 ga fe ce|b2 bg ag fe|ge be gb eg|fe ^df e2 (3efg| a2 ga fe ce|fg ag fe ce|fd ge af ec|BA Bc A2:|]
X: 1 T: The Miller's Reel [1] S: Bernie Waugh R: Reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: A |:\ "A"A,2CE "D"D2FA|"E"EGBG "A"A2cA|"G"BEcE dEcE|"E"BEcB AFEC| "A"A,2CE "D"D2FA|"E"EGBG "A"A2ce|"D"fefg agaf|1"E"ecBc "A"A4:|2"E"ecBc "A"A2|| |:(3efg|\ "A"a2 ga fece|"Bm"b2bg agfe|"E"gebe gbeg|"B7"fe^df "E"e2 (3efg| "A"a2ga fece|"C#m"fgaf fece|"Bm"fdge "D"afed|1"E"cABG "A"A2:|2"E"cABG "A"A4|]
X:1 T:Miller's Reel [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Byron Berline, Frets Magazine, February 1986, p. 57 K:A "A"A,2 A,C "D"DFAF|"E"EGBG "A"ABce|"E"BGBc decd|ecdB AFEC| "A"A,CCD "D"DFAF|"E"EGGB "A"ABcd|"E"ec (3efg (3agf ec|BAGB "A"A2A,2:| |:"A"a2 ga fedf|"B"b2 ab fe^df|"E"gfga bgeg|fe^df ec (3efg| "A"a2 ga fedf|"D"bfgb|f2 ec|"E"dfed c2 Ac|BAGB Ac (3efg:|]