Molly Brallaghan (1)
X:1 T:Molly Brallaghan [1] M:G L:1/8 R:Reel B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 2 (1858, No. 120, p. 55) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G Q:"Moderately at first, increasing the time" B|cd/c/ Bc/B/|{B}(A/G/)A/B/ (A/G/)E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/E/ G/A/B/B/| c/c/{e}d/c/ B/B/{d}c/B/|{B}A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ G:| |:D|G/A/B/c/ de/f/|{a}g/f/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|cd/c/ Bc/B/|A/G/A/E/ G/A/B/d/| g/a/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|{B}A/G/A/B/ G||
X:1 T:Molly Brallaghan [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:The mid-19th cent. music manuscript collection of James Goodman B:(County Cork, Book 1, p. 122) F: F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B|cd/c/ Bc/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/E/ G/A/B/c/| c/c/d/c/ B/B/c/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ G:| |:D|G/A/B/c/ de/f/|g/f/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|cd/c/ Bc/B/|A/G/A/E/ G/A/B/d/| g/a/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ G:|
X:1 T:Molly Brallaghan M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:Obtained by Goodman from the music manuscript collection of John Edward Pigot (1822–1871) B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, Book 2, p. 94 (mid-19th century) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|c2 cc cBBB|A>GAB AGEF|G>AGE DEGB|A>GAB AGED| c2cc cBBB|A>GAB AGEF|GAGE DEGA|B2 A>G G2|| D|GABc d2 ef|gfge dBGB|cccc cBGB|A>GAB AGED| c2 cc cBBB| A>GAB AGEF|G>AGE DEGA|B2 AG G2||
X:1 T:Dolly Branagan M:C L:1/8 R:Reel S:Philip Carolan music manuscript collection N:Philip Carolan (c. 1839-1910, Crossmolina, County Mayo), a musically literate N:farmer and fiddler who compiled his ms. probably during 1863-1873. S:Angela Buckley, thesis, “A Critical Edition of the Irish Music Manuscripts of S:Philip Carolan c. 1839-1910, vol. 2”, Waterford Institute of Technology, S:2007, p. 103. Carolan ms. 1, No. 322. K:A ((3ABc)|d2 fd c2 ec|BdcA BA F2|(ABA)(F EFAc)|(BAB)(d cA).F.A| d2 fd c2 ec|BdcA BA F2|(ABA)(F EF).A.c|1 BABc A2:|2 BABc A4|| |:AB(cd) efec|agaf ecAc|d2 fd c2 ec|BdcA BA F2| agaf fgaf|edcA BA F2|(ABA)(F EF)Ac|1 BABc A4:|2 BABc A2||
X:1 T:Miss Brallaghan M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Harding’s Original Collection (1897, No. 194, p. 61) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B|cd/c/ Bc/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|1 A/G/B/G/ E/G/A/B/:|2 A/G/A/B/ G|| |:D|G/A/B/c/ de/f/|g/f/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|cd/c/ Bc/B/|A/G/A/E/ F/G/A/d/| g/a/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ G:|
X:1 T:Moll Brallaghan [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Roche - Collection of Traditional Irish Music vol. 1 (1912, No. 157) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G B/|(cd/c/) (Bc/B/)|{B}A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/G/| (c{e}d/c/) (B{d}c/B/)|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ Gz/|| D/|G/A/B/c/ d(e/f/)|{a}g/f/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|(c{e}d/c/) (B{d}c/B/)|(A/G/{A}G/E/ G/)A/B/d/| g/a/g/e/ d/B/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ A/G/E/F/|G/A/G/E/ D/E/G/B/|A/G/A/B/ G2z/||
X:150 T:Green Fields of America, The T:Molly Brannigan [1] T:Pretty Molly Brannigan T:Purty Molly Brannigan R:reel H:A reel version of "The Stone In The Field", jig#148 D:Frankie Gavin: Frankie Goes to Town D:Joe Holmes & Len Graham: Saints, Chaste Muses, Bards and Sages. D:Celtic Mouth Music (Colm O'Donnell) Z:id:hn-reel-150 M:C| K:G c2ec B2dB|AGAB AGEF|GAGE DEGB|AGAB AGEG| c2ec B2dB|AGAB AGEF|GAGE DEGB|1 AGEF GBdB:|2 AGAB GEDE|| |:GABc d2Bd|efge dBGB|c2ec B2dB|AGAB AGED|1 GABc d2Bd|efge dBGB| c2ec B2dB|AGAB GEDE:|2 gfgf efge|d2BG AGEF|GAGE DGBe|dBAB GBdB|| "variations" |:c2cc B2dB|AGAB AGEF|~G3E DEGB|AGAB AGE2| c2cc B2dB|AGAB AGEF|~G3E DEGB|1 AGAB G3B:|2 AGAB G3D|| |:GABc d2ef|gfge dBGB|c2cc B2dB|AGAB AGE2|1 GABc d2ef|gfge dBGB| c2cc B2dB|AGAB G3D:|2 ~g3f efge|d2BG AGEF|~G3E DEGB|AGAB G2AB|| W:1. Man did you ever hear of purty Molly Brannigan? W: She stole away my heart and I'll never be a man again. W: There's not a spot on my hide will another summer tan again, W: Since Molly's gone and left me all alone for to die. W: Dee idle diddley dootle [etc] W:2. There's a hole in my heart you could easy round a turnip in, W: As big as any pavin' stone from Dublin to the Divil's glen. W: If she chose to take another sure she might have left mine back again, W: And not to leave me here all alone for to die. W: Dee howdle duddley dootle [etc] W:3. Man dear I remember when milkin' time was past and gone, W: We went into the meadows where she swore I was the only one W: That ever she could love, but, oh, she proved to be the cruel one W: And left me here lamentin' all alone for to die. W: Dee idle diddley dum dowtle [etc] W: W:Joe Holmes and Len Graham have different words to it: W:1. There's a hole in my heart you could easy put a turnip in, W: As big as any pavin' stone from Dublin to the Devil's den. W: Rum diddle [etc] W:2. The lassie of my heart (?) ..... W: ... since Molly proved the cruel one W: Rum diddle [etc] W: W:A few more verses from Tom Lenihan: W:3. Ma'am dear, do you remember as we came home the rain began. W: I covered her with my coat, oh, the devil a waistcoat I had on, W: My shirt was rather fine-drawn, yet, oh, the base and cruel one! W: After all that she has left me here alone for to die. W:4. I went and told my tale to Father McDonald, ma'am, W: And then I went and asked advice of Counsellor O'Connell, ma'am. W: They told me promise-breaches had ever been since the world began: Now W: I've only one pair, ma'am, and they are corduroy! W:5. What would you do, ma'am, or what would you advise me to do? W: Must my corduroys to Molly go? In truth I'm bothered what I'll do. I W: can't afford to lose both my heart and my ould britches too. Sure the W: devil a hair I care when I've only to die. W:6. I'm as hot and determined as a live salamander, ma'am. W: Won't ye all come in my wake when I go on my long me[a]nder, ma'am? I W: thought I was as famous as the famous Alexander, ma'am, When I hear ye W: crying around me: "Arrah, why did you die?"