Mona's Delight
X:1 T:Mona's Delight D:Swarbrick, Lift the Lid and Listen Z:Nigel Gatherer M:2/4 L:1/16 K:A E2 | A2AB c2BA | B2Bc d2cB | A2Ac e2cA | GBE2 GBE2 | A2AB c2BA | BABc d2cB | cecA BdBG | A2A2 A2 :| cd | e2ed cde2 | d2dc Bcd2 | c2cB ABcA | BAGF EFGE | c2cB ABc2 | d2dc BcdB | cBAc BAGB | A2A2 A2 :|]
X:2 T:Mona's Delight M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Polka B:"The Original Collection of Manx Folk Music made by his honour B:the Deemster Gill, Mr. W.H. Gill and Dr. Clague. Completed in 1895 & 1896." K:G D2|GF GA|B2 AG|AG AB |c2 BB|GF GB|d2 BG|F<A D2|F<A D2| GF GA|B2 AG|FG AB|c2 BA|B<d B<F|G2B2|G2||Bc| dB (3GBd|g2d2|e<g f<a|g2 dc|(3BdB G2|(3BdB G2|F<A D2|F<A D2| dB (3GBd|g2d2|e<g f<a|g2 dc|B<d B<G|A<c A<F|G2B2|G2||