Niel Gow's Second Wife (1)
X:1 T:Neil [sic] Gow's Second Wife [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Milne – Middleton’s Selection of Strathspeys, Reels &c. for the Violin (1870, p. 33) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin d|B<GG>B A<FF>A|B<GG>A B>AB<g|B<GG>B A<FF>A|B>B d/c/B/A/ F<BB:| d|B<B(d>B) (f>B)d>B|F<F(A>F) (c>F)A>F|B<B(d>B) (f>B)d>B|g>g b/a/g/f/ d<gg>a| f<D'D'>f e<cc<e| d<BB<d c>BA>G|G<GB<B c<cd<d|(B>G) (B/A/)G/^F/ D<GG|]
X:1 T:Niel Gow's Second Wife [1] T:Mr. MacDonald of Staffa's Strathspey M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Strathspey K:G Minor dz|B<GG>B A<FF>A|B<GG>B B>ABg|B<GG>B A<FF>A|B<Bc>B FBBc| B<GG>B A>FF>A|B>GG>B B>ABg|B<GG>B A>FF>A|B<Bc>B FBBd|| B<Bd>B f>Bd>B|F<FA>F c>FAc|B<Bd>B f>Bd>f|g>gb>g d<gg>b| f<D'D'>f e<cc>e|d<BB>d B>AB>F|G<G B2 c<cd>c|B<GB/A/G/F/ D<GGz|]
X:1 T:Niel Gow's Second Wife [1] M:C L:1/8 B:John Burks music manuscript collection dated 1821 N:Nothing is known of Burks, although the provenance of his N:ms. is English. His music ms. surfaced in the United States, and had N: possibly been in the possession of his descendants until the N:mid-20th cent. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin G2 G>B F2 F>A|G2 G>A Bcdg|G2 G>A F2 F>G|BGAF D>G G2:| |:B2 d>B f>BdB|AFcF dFcF|B2 d>B fBdB|b>ga>f dg g2| fddf ecce|dBBd c/B/A/G/ FA|GBAc Bdce|d/c/B/A/ BG D>G G2:|