Old Age and Young
X:1 T:Bulock's Hornpipe M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Triple Hornpipe B:John Young - Third Volume of the Dancing Master, 2nd edition (1728) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gm G4B3 d2 cB|A2F2F2 cB A2 GF|G4 B4 d2 cB|A2G2g2 G2 A2 GF|| |:DGFA G2 G,2 B,4|D2 F4 Bc A2 GF|DGFA G2 G,2 B,4|D2 G4 B2 A2G2:| |:GABG ABcA BcdB|A2F2 c2 F2 ABcA|GABG ABcA BdcB|A2G2 g2G2 ABcA:| |:Gg^fa g2G2 B4|F2 f4 F2 ABcA|Gg^fa g2G2 B4|A2 g4 G2 ABcA:| |:B,2 CB, A,2 B,A, G,4|D2 F4 Bc A2 GF|B,2 CB, A,2 B,A, G,4|D2 G4 B2 A2G2:|
X:1 T:Old Age and Young M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Triple Hornpipe B:David Young – Drummond Castle/Duke of Perth Manuscript (1734, No. 40) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin G4 B3c d2 (cB)|A2F4 cB A2 (G^F)|G4 B3c d2 (cB)| A2G2g2G2 TA2 (G^F)::DG^FA G2 G,2B,4|D2 F4 B2TA2 (G^F)| DG^FA G2 G,2 B,4|D2 G4 B2TA2 (G^F)::GABG ABcA BcdB| A2F2c2F2 ABcA|GABG ABcA|BcdB|A2G2 g2G2 ABcA:| |:Gg^fa g2G2 TA4|F2f4 F2 ABcA|Gg^fa g2 G2 TA4|G2g4 G2 ABcA:|]
X: 1 T:Old Age and Young C:anon. S:Dow MS, fiddle part N:Written as 6/4 in MS N:bars 2 and 3 of the third part don't add up F:http://abc.musicaviva.com/tunes/anon/old-age-and-young/old-age-and-young-1.abc %Posted Oct 2nd 1999 at ABC-users by John Chambers during a discussion %about error checking. M:3/2 L:1/4 K:Gdor G2 B>c d(c/B/)|A FF c A (G/F/)|G2 B>c d(c/B/)|A G2 g A (G/F/):| ga gG A2 |F f2 F A/B/c/A/ |g>a gG A2 |G g2 G A/B/c/A/ :| G>A GG, B,2 |D2BAG/F/ |G>AG,B,2 |D g2 B A G/F/ :| W: W: W: From Musica Viva - http://www.musicaviva.com W: the Internet center for free sheet music downloads.
X:1 T:Auld Eage and young never grees the gither M:6/4 L:1/8 Q:”Slowish” B:Robert Petrie – Third Collection of Strathspey Reels (p. 16) N:Dedicated to Francis Garden Esq. Junior of Troup by N:Robert Petrie at Kirkmichael. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin G4 B3c d2 cB|A2F2F2c2 ABcA|G4 B3c d2 cB|A2G2g2G2 ABcA:| |:G3A G2G,2B,4|D2F4 B2A2F2|G3AG2G,2B,4|D2G4B2A2^F2:| |:GABG ABcA BcdB|A2F2F2c2 ABcA|GABG ABcA BcdB| A2G2g2G2A2^F2:||:g3ag2G2A4|F2f4F2 ABcA|g3ag2G2A4| G2g4 G2 ABcA|g3ag2G2A4|F2f4F2 ABcA|B2 AB c2 Bc d2 cd|g2fe d2c2B2A2||