Piping Pie Man (The)
X:1 T:Piping Pye-Man, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Young - Third Volume of the Dancing Master, 2nd ed. (1726) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A ED|CDEC A,CEC|A,2 A4 BA|GABG EGBG|E2 E4 fe| defd cdec|defg agfe|aefd ecBA|G2 A4:| |:cd|ecAc ecAc|fdBd fdBd|gece afga|g2 e4 dc| defd cdec|fefg agfe|aefd ecBA|E2 A4:|]
X:58 T:Pyeping Pye-man. ThoH.058, The Q:1/2=100 T:Piping Pye-man,aka. ThoH.058, The T:Butcher's Hornpipe,aka. ThoH.058 M:C L:1/8 B:Thompson's Compleat Collection of 120 Favourite Hornpipes. Z:Village Music Project, Simon Wilson 2016 O:England. K:A ED|CDEC A,CDC|A,2A4BA|GABG EGBG|E2e4dc| defd cdec|defg agfe|aefd ecBA|E2A4:| |:c>d|ecAc ecAc|fdBd fdBd|gece fgaf|g2e4dc| defd cdec|defg agfe|aefd ecBA|E2A4:|
X: 1 T:Piping Pyman Hornpipe,The. JBi.66 T:Butcher's Hp,aka. JBi.66 M:C L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 S:James Biggins MS, Leeds, 1779. R:.Hornpipe O:England A:Yorkshire Z:vmp.Nick Barber & Chris Partington K:A "_Key Cmaj in MS?"ED|CDEC CDEC|A,2A2A2BA|GABG GABG|E2eTe3dc|! defd cdec|B2a2g3f/g/|aefd ecBA|E2A2A2:|! |:cd|ecAc ecAc|fdBd fdBTd|dcde fgab|g2eTe3dc|! defd cdec|B2a2g3f/g/|aefd ecBA|E2ABA2:|