Polly Put the Kettle On (1)
X: 1 T:Polly Put The Kettle On [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:T.J. Dixon MS1, TJD.31, Lincolnshire, 1798 R:Quick step N:Repeat mark added at end A:Lincolnshire, Holton le Moor Z:vmp.R.Greig2010 F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/dixontj.abc K:D a>bag|fdd2|Bged|dcBA|a>bag|fdd2|Bgec|d2d2:|! |:fdge|fdge|B/B/B ed|cAAg|fdge|fdge|B/B/B ec|d2d2:|
X:2 T:Polly Put the Kettle On [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel S:From Ann Winnington’s music manuscript book (No. 17), c. 1810 N:The frontispiece to the MS indicates Winnington lived in New York Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D abag | fd d2 | Beed | cA A2 | abag | fd d2 | Bdce | d2z2 :| |: fdge | fddc | Beed | cA A2 | fdge | fdge | Bdce | d2 z2 :||
X: 1 T:Polly Put The Kettle On A:Temple Sowerby,Cumbria L:1/8 M:2/4 O:England R:Reel S:Rev. R. Harrison's MS, RH.185, c. 1815, Cumbria Z:vmp.Simon Wilson. Review PJH, 2008. F:http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/mirror/tunebook.org.uk/tunebook.abc K:G d>edc|BGGB|cBAG|FDDA|BGGB|cAAg|fde^c|d2d2:|! |:FDFA|dAAc|BGBd|gdd=f|ecAc|dBGc|B/d/B/G/ A/c/A/F/|G2G2:|
X:1 T:Jeney set the Kettle on M:C L:1/8 B:John Burks music manuscript collection dated 1821 N:Nothing is known of Burks or the provenance of his N:ms. but it is probable he was from England. N:His music ms. surfaced in the United States, and had possibly N:been in the possession of his descendants. N:Burks also had “Blackling Races” in his ms. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G dedc BG G2|cBAG FDDd|dedc BGGF|EcAF G2:| EEAG|FDDA|BGcA BGGF|Eeee d2z2| dedc BGGz|cBAG FDDd|dedc BAAG|EcAF G4:|
X: 1 T:Polly Put The Kettle On [1] M:2/2 L:1/8 S:J. Lishman (?) MS, BF13.088, c. 1825, Lakes, Browne Coll. R:Reel O:England A:Lakes Z:vmp.Cherri Graebe. K:D major f|abag fd-df|B/2B/2B ed cA-Af|abag fd-df|BB/2B/2 cA"crot"d3:|! |:g|fdge fd-df|BB/2B/2 eB cA-Ag|fdge fd-df|BB/2B/2 cAd3:|]
X: 1 T:Polly put the Kettle on [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:George Spencer MS, GS.070, Leeds, 1831 R:Reel O:England A:Leeds N:The date 1831 is written on the stave after the last double bar line. H:1831 Z:vmp.Cherri Graebe F:http://michel.bellon.free.fr/Musique/abc/Nouveau/Polka.abc K:D major abag | fd d2 | Beed | cAA2 | abag |fd d2 | Bedc | d2d2 :| |: fd ge | fd ge |Beed | cA A2 | fd ge | fd ge | Be dc | d2d2 :|
X: 1 T:Polly Put The Kettle On [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:James Winder Ms, JaW.306, Lancashire, 1835-41 R:.Country Dance O:England A:Wyresdale, Lancashire Z:vmp.Chris Partington, Aug. 2004 F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/winderja.abc K:D abag|fdd2|Beed|cAA2|abag|fdd2|B2cc|d4:|! |:fdge|fdge|Beed|cAA2|fdge|fdge|B2cc|d4:|
X:5 T:Molly Set The Kettle On. Le4.005 B:L.Leadley MS#4 c1850 Z:Village Music Project, 2016 Steve Mansfield M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:2/4=75 N: c2A2A2 in Mss N:** D2 in Mss K:D abag fddf | gfed "*"cAA2 | ac'ag fddA | B2c2 "**"d4 :| |: fege fddf | gfed "*"cAA2 | fdge fddA | B2c2 "**"d4 :|
X:35 T:Polly put the Kittle on [1] O: No 35 Page 14 William Clarke of Feltwell MS 1858 Z: transcribed by Lyn Law M:2/4 L:1/16 K:C g3ag2f2|e2c2 c4|A2d2d2c2|B2G2 G4|g3ag2f2|e2c2 c4|A2 A2 B2 G2|c6z2:| |:e2c2f2d2|e2c2 c4|A2d2d2c2|B2G2 G4|e2c2f2d2|e2c2 c4|A2A2B2G2|c6z2:||:
X:1 T:Jenny put the Kettle on T:Polly put the Kettle on [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 2, c. 1883, No. 191, pp. 40-41) B: r.itma.ie/book-two#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=38&z=-243.04%2C1876.1449%2C3411.0452%2C1476.2303 N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D abag fddf|gfed cA A2|abag fddA|Bgec defg| abag fddf|gfed cA A2|afbg fddA|Bgec d2d2|| f2 ge fddf |gfed cA A2|fdge fddA|Bgec d2d2| f2 ge fddf|gfed cA A2|afbg fddA|Bgec defg||
X:1 T:Polly Put the Kettle On [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Harding’s All Round Collection, No. 10 (1905) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D a/b/a/g/ f/d/d/f/ | g/B/e/d/ c/A/A | a/b/a/g/ f/d/d/c/ | B/d/c/e/ dz :| |: g/f/g/e/ f/d/d/f/ | g/B/e/d/ c/A/A/e/ | f/d/g/e/ f/d/d/f/ | B/d/c/e/ dz :|