Princess Royal (6)
X:1 T:Princess Royal [6] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel O:Cape Breton K:G dc|BdAB GBdc|BdAB G2 GA|Bdde degd|e...
X:44 T:Princess Royal S:Petrie's Third Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c. Z:Steve Wyrick , 7/30/05 N:Petrie's Third Collection, page 17 L:1/4 M:C N:For comparison with major-mode Cape Breton versions. R:Reel K:Gm G/A/|B (A/B/) G (d/c/)|(B/c/)(A/B/) Gd|e>d c(f/e/)|d(c/d/) B2| B(g/B/) A(f/A/)|G/A/G/F/ D (d/c/)|(B/A/B/G/) D/G/^F/A/|[B,DG][B,DG][B,DG]:| |:d|(g/^f/g/)a/ (g/f/g/)a/|bB2g/a/ b/a/g/f/ e/d/c/B/|A/B/c/A/ F2|BBcc ddg2| fBe2 dGc2|B/c/B/A/ G/A/B/G/|^F/G/A/F/ Dd/c/ (TB/A/B/G/) D/G/^F/A/|[B,DG][B,DG][B,DG]|]