Pudding Maggie
X:1 % T:Pudding Maggie M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel or Strathspey S:Bremner – A Collection of Scots Reels or Country Dances (c. 1757) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F | D/D/D AF ADDF | D/D/D AF BEEF | D/D/D A>B d>efe | dBAF ADD :| f | d>efg abaf | gefd beef | d>efg abaf | ge (a/g/f/e/) fdde | defg abaf | gefd beef | (d/ef) (e/f/g) (a/g/f) (g/f/e) | f>bef dDD ||
X: 1 % T:Pudding Moggie. Ru2.130 B:RUTHERFORD Complete Collection of 200 Country Dances Vol.2; 1759. Z:vmp.Steve Mansfield 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk M:C| L:1/8 W:The first Man cast off & Hands round W:Three with the 3d Cou. the first Woman Hands W:Round Three at the same time with the 2d W:Cou. .| The Man Hands round Three W:At Top & the Woman Hands three at Bottom :| W:Lead out on the Woman's side & turn .|. Lead W:O[u]t on the Mans side & turn :| Q:1/2=60 N:NB Repeats conjectural (not marked as such in Mss) N:NB2 d2 in Mss K:G |:F | D/D/D AF ADDF | D/D/D AF BEEF | D/D/D AB defe | dBAF AD D :| |: f | defg abaf | gefd beef |1 "NB"defg abaf | ge a/g/f/e/ fd"NB2"d :|[2 defg (a/g/f) (g/f/e) | fbef dD D |]
X:1 % T:Maggy M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:John Rook music manuscript collection (Waverton, Cumbria, 1840, p. 227) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F|D/D/D AF ADDF|D/D/D AF BEEF|D/D/D AB defe|dBAF ADD:|| A|d>efg abaf|affd beef|defg abaf|ge a/g/f/e/ fdde| d>efg abaf|gefd beef|(d/e/f) (e/f/g) (a/g/f) (g/f/e)|gbef dDD||