Quick and Merry
X: 1 T:Quick and Merry.2voices. AJH.004 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 S:A.J.Hughes MS O:England A:North Shropshire W:The first Gent'n lead his partner With both round the 2nd cup to their own places. W:The 2nd Cup do the same round the 1st Cup to their own places. W:1st Cup lead down the middle up again. Allemade(sic) with partner Z:Neil Brookes 2006 V:1 clef=treble V:2 clef=bass %%staves {1 2} K:D [V:1] |: D2d dcB | ABA AGF | GGG FFF | EEE GFE | [V:2] |: D,F,A, F,2G, | F,3 D,3 | E,E,E, D,D,D, | C,2A,, D,3 | % [V:1] D2d dcB | ABA AGF | Bcd efg | fge d3 :| [V:2] D,F,A, F,2G, | F,3 D,3 | G,3 E,3 | A,2A,, D,3 :| % [V:1] |: a3 f3 | BdB BdB | g3 e3 | AcA AcA | [V:2] |: D,F,A, D,F,A, | D,G,B, D,G,B, | C,E,A, C,E,A, | C,E,A, C,E,A, | % [V:1] ddd BBB | ggg eee | fga agf | gec d3 :| ! [V:2] D,F,A, D,F,A, |C,E,A, C,E,A, | F,2G, F,2D, | A,2A,, D,3 :|
X:87 T:Quick and Merry. Roose.0087 B:J.Roose, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project 2019 Taz Tarry Q:3/8=100 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D D2 d dcB|ABA AGF|GGG FFF|EEE GFE| D2 d dcB|ABA AGF|Bcd efg|fge d3:| |:a3 f3|BdB BdB|g3 e3|AcA AcA| ddd BBB|ggg eee|fga agf|edc d3:|