Red Joak (The)
X:14 T:Red Joak A:England;London M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/2=100 S:J.Walsh,Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs,etc 1731 Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <> with vmp revisions K:G b/a/|g>agB|d/B/d/e/db/a/|g>agB|A2Ab/a/|\ g>agB|d/B/d/e/ db/a/|gedB|G2G|| e|dGB/c/d/B/|dBg>e|dGB/c/d/B/|A2Ae|\ dGB/c/d/B/|dGg>a|b/a/g/e/ g/e/d/B/|G2G|| D|G/A/B/G/ B/c/d/B/|G/A/B/G/ B/c/d/e/|dBc/B/A/G/|A2AD| G/A/B/G/ B/c/d/B/|G/A/B/G/ B/c/d/e/|dB d/B/A/G/|G2G|]
X:2 T:Red Joak T:Longways for as many as will. R:reel B:Daniel Wright "Wright's Compleat Collection of Celebrated Country Dances" 1740 p.6 S: Z: 2014 John Chambers <> N:The 1st & 2d Cu. go Arms quite round & the 1st Cu. cast off the 1st Cu. N:being in the 2d Cu. Place, lead down, & the 2d up. then the 1st Cu. N:lead thro' the 2d Cu. & cast off into the 2d Cu. Place. 2d Cu. go right N:& left with the 1st Cu. half round, which brings the 1st Cu. in their own N:Places: 1st Man change Places with the 2d Wo. the 1st Wo. with the 2d Man. N:then 1st Cu. being in 2d Cu. Place, slip up and down & up again, and cast N:off and turn, the 2d Cu. change Places at the same Time, and so to the End. M: C| L: 1/8 K: G % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g/f/ |\ g3a g2B2 | (dB)(de) d2ba | g3a g2A2 | A6 ba | g3a g2B2 | (dB)(de) d2ba |g2e2 d2B2 | G4 G2 || d2 | d2G2 (Bc)(dB) | d2G2 g3e | d2G2 (Bc)(dB) | A4 A2e2 | d2G2 (Bc)(dB) |d2G2 g3a | (ba)(ge) (ge)(dB) | G4 G2 || D2 | (GA)(BG) (Bc)(dB) | (GA)(BG) (Bc)(de) | d2B2 A2G2 |A4 A2D2 | (GA)(BG) (Bc)(dB) | (GA)(BG) (Bc)(de) | d2B2 (dB)(AG) | G4 G2 |]
X:1 T:Red Joak M:C| L:1/8 N:”Longways for as many as will.” B:John Walsh – Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth B: (London, 1740, No. 115) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G ba|g3ag2B2|(dB)(de) d2 ba|g3a g2B2|G4G2ba| g3ag2B2|dB(de) d2 ba|g2e2d2B2|G4G2|| e2|d2G2 (Bc)(dB)|d2G2g3e|d2G2 Bc(dB)|A4A2e2| d2G (Bc)(dB)|d2G2g3a|(ba)(ge) (ge)(dB)|G4G2|| D2|(GA)(BG) (Bc)(dB)|(GA)(BG) (Bc)(de)|d2B2 cBAG|A4A2D2| (GA)(BG) (Bc)(dB)|(GA)(BG) (Bc)(de)|d2B2 (dB)(AG)|G4G2||
X:3 T:Red Joak, The (Macpherson’s rant?) M:C L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 3 B:(Glasgow, 1788, No. 559, p. 213) N:”Humbly dedicated to the Volunteers and Defensive Bands of Great Britain N:and Ireland” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G ba|g3ag2B2|dBde d2 ba|g3a g2B2|{B}A4 z2ba| g3 a g2B2|dBde d2 ef|g2e2d2B2|G6:| |:e2|d2G2 BcdB|d2G g3e|d2G2 BcdB|{B}A4 z2 e2| D2G2 BcdB|d2G2 g3a|bage gedB|G6:| |:D2|GABG BcdB|GABG Bcde|d2B2 dBAG|{B}A6D2| GABG BcdB|GABG Bcde|d2B2 dcAF|{F}G6:|]