Red Lion Hornpipe (1)
X:1 T:Red Lion Hornpipe [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:”Melodist: A Collection of music in two volumes" (1826-1859, No. 11, p. 8) N:The melodist is a musician's ms., probably by a fiddler, that contains both N:tunes and songs from a variety of sources, American and European. The N:inscription on the inside cover reads, "This is from the Bridge family of N:Augusta, Maine (Horatio Bridge, friend of Hawthorne's)". However, entries in N:the ms. were in different hands indicating several contributors. N:The ms. is neat and the notation studied and precise. F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb BFdb fdbf|dBAc BAGF|GEDE CBAc|ecdA BAGF| FBdB fdbf|dBAc BAGF|GEDE CBAc|ecBA B2z2:| |:DB,FD BFdB|fbfd BAGF|GBAc Bdfa|bgf=e f2 (3efg| bg=ec afdB|BGec BAGF|GEDE CBAc|ecBA B4:|
X:1 T:Red Lion Hornpipe [1] C:Zeke Backus(?) M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Coes Album of Jigs and Reels, something new, for professional and amateur violinists, B:leaders of orchestras, quadrille bands, and clog, reel and jig dancers; consisting of a B:Grand Collection of entirely New and Original Clog-Hornpipes, Reels, jigs, B:Scotch Reels, Irish Reels and Jigs, Waltzes, Walk-Arounds, etc. (1876, p. 30) N:Coes performed with the San Francisco Minstrels in California from 1852 to 1859. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb (3F/G/A/| B/F/d/B/ f/d/b/f/|g/e/c/A/ B/A/G/F/|G/E/D/E/ Cc/d/|e/c/d/B/ c/A/F/A/| B/F/d/B/ f/d/b/f/|g/e/c/z/ B/A/G/F/|G/E/D/E/ C/E/B,/B/|c/e/A/c/ B:| |:F/E/|D/B,/F/D/ B/F/d/B/|e/g/e/c/ B/A/G/F/|F/A/c/A/ B/d/f/b/|a/f/g/=e/ f(3f/g/a/| b/f/d/f/ g/e/c/e/|d/B/c/A/ B/A/G/F/|G/E/D/E/ C/E/B,/B/|c/e/A/c/ B:|]
X:1 T:Red Lion Hornpipe [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Laybourn - Köhlers' Violin Repository Book 2 (1881-1885, p. 175). Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb (3FGA|BFdB fdbf|gecA BAGF|G(EDE) C2 (cd)|ecdB cAFA| BFdB fdbf|gecA BAGF|G(EDE) CEB,(d|ce)Ac B2:| |:(FE)|DB,FD BFdB|egec BAGF|FAcA Bdfb|afg=e f2 (3fga| bfdf gecg|dBcA BAGF|G(EDE) CEB,(d|ce)Ac B2:|]
X:1 T:Red Lion Hornpipe [1] L:1/8 M:C| K:Bb |:F2|BFdB fdbf|dBAc BAGF|GEDE CEcd|ecdB BAGF| BFdB fdbf|dBAc BAGF|GEDE CEcd|ecAc B2:| |: FE|DBFD BFdB|fbfd BAGF|GBAc Bdfa|bgf=e f2 (3fga| bfdB gecA|BGec BAGF|GEDE CEcd|ecAc B2:|]