Sally in the Garden assisting Sam
X:1 T:Sally in the Garden, Assisting Sam N:From the playing of Uncle William Raines M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:University of Missouri, William Raines - "Old Time Fiddlers' D:Repertory (1976) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:Amin E2|A2 AB cBcd |e2a2 e2 ed|c2A2 ABcA|BGEG BGEG| A2 AB cBcd |e2a2 e2 ed|c2A2 ABcA|E2A2A2:| |:E2|ABAG E2 AB|c2B2c2B2|ABAG E2G2 |B2 Bc BAG2| ABAG E2 AB|c2B2c2d2|e2A2 ABAG|E2A2A2:|