To the hundreds of Drury I write
X: 1 T:NTLRYST1- To the hundreds of Drury I write Q:1/4=60 L:1/4 M:9/4 K:G dorian G/A/|BGBAG^FG3/2 A/B|(Ac)AF3/2 G/AcAc/ c/|BGBAG^FG2D| DGGG3/2 B/AB/G3/2||B|B3/2 c/Bd3/2 c/Bf2A|ABccAB c/ A3/2c| BGBA^FAG2D|DGGA3/2 B/AB/ G3/2||[M:3/4]"Chorus"B/(G/A/)^F/ G/A/4B/4| c/4B/4A/4G/4 F/B/ A/4B/4c/4A/4|B/G/A/^F/ G|D/G/ G/B/ A/4B/4c/4A/4|B3/4f/4 (e3/4d/8e/8) f| c/4B/4A/4G/4 F/B/ A/4B/4c/4A/4|G/g/ (f3/4d/8e/8) f|(3 d/e/f/ (3 g/d/c/ B/4A3/4|B/G/4B/4 A/^F/4A/4 .G|]