Valse à JessieClick on the tune title to see or modify Valse à Jessie's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Valse à JessieQuery the Archive
X: 1
T: Valse à Jessie
R: waltz
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
AAG|:~F2 DF AF|~G2 EG BG|AD FA de|fd Ad FA|
G2 Eg ed|c3 B BA|ed ce d/2c/2B|A2 AB AG|
~F2 DF AF|~G2E GBG|AD FA de|fd Ad FA|
~G2 Eg ed|c2 cB BA|1 ag fg Bc|d3 B AG:|2
ag fg Bc|d3 e fg||
|: af df Ad|FA df (3agf|g2e3e|e3 e ef|
g2e2c2|A2 (3cAc (3ece|b2a3g|f3 f fg|
af df Ad|FA df (3agf|g2e3e|e3 e ef|
g2e2d2|1 c2B2Aa| ag fg Bc|d3 ffg:|2 c2B2Ac|dBA GFE|D6||