Walk along John (1)
X:1 T:Walk Along John (Song version) C:J.P. Carter S:Songs of the Virginia Serenaders (Boston, 1844) M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G "Verse"A>B A>B|A>A AF|AA GG|DD FA/A/| A>B A>B|A>A AF|AA G G/G/|DD (FA)|| "Chorus"A/A/ B c>c|cA G2|BB G>B|DF G2|| "Instrumental fill"d/>B/G/>B/ d/>B/G/>B/|d/>B/G/>B/ d2|c/>A/F/>A/ c/>A/F/>A/|c/>A/F/>A/ c2| GABc|dcB z|c/>A/B/>G/ Ec|B/>G/A/>F/ G2||
X:0750 T:Walk Along John. Roose.0750 T:Oh, Come Along John,aka. Roose.0750 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 N:American song written for the blackface minstrel show stage in 1843 N:There is a close version of the tune in "The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music" 1910 p.63 N:conquest.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/8/8f/IMSLP175643-PMLP309456-bostoncollection00bost_bw.pdf B:J.Roose MS, Manchester, 1850 Z:Village Music Project. Rob Lands 2019 K:G A>A A>A | A>A A>F | A>A F>E |DD EF/F/ | A>A A>A | A>A A>F |AA FE/E/ | DD EF | A/A/Bc2 | "Sym."b/b/g/g/ af | A/A/AG2 |"Sym." dd/d/ eg | A/B/Bc2 | B/B/AG2 | D/E/F/G/ AB | AAG2 |]
X:1 T:Walk Along John [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Thomas Briggs - Instructions for the Banjo (1855, p. 18) B:https://archive.org/details/briggsbanjoinstr00brig/page/18/mode/2up?ref=ol&view=theater Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D AA/d/ AA/d/|AA/d/ AF|AA/d/ GE |DD EG| AA/d/ AA/d/| Ad AF|AA/d/ GE|DD EG:| AB =c c/d/|BA G2 B/d/|DEG B/d/|FE D2| AB=c c/d/|B/G/A/F/ GB|DEG B/d/|FE D2!fermata!||
X: 1 T: WALK ALONG, JOHN [1] B: Oliver Ditson "The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music" 1910 p.63 #3 F: http://conquest.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/8/8f/IMSLP175643-PMLP309456-bostoncollection00bost_bw.pdf M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: G [|\ A3B A3B | A3A A2F2 | A2A2 G2G2 | D2D2 F2A2 | A3B A3B | A3A A2F2 | A2BA G2AG | F2D2 F2A2 |] A2B2 c3d | c2A2 F2D2 | B2B2 G3B | D2E2 F2A2 | A2B2 c3d | c2A2 F2D2 | B2B2 G3B | D2E2 F2G2 |] d>BG>B d>BG>B | d>BG>B d4 | c>AF>A c>AF>A | c>AF>A c4 | G2A2B2c2 | d2c2B2z2 | c>AB>G D2c2 | B>GA>F G4 |]
X:1 T:Walk along John [1] M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Quick" R:Reel S:Lon Jordan (c. 1876-?, Farmington, Arkansas) N:From a 1941 field recording by Vance Randolph (1892-1980) D:Library of Congress AFS 05378 A03 F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/walk-along-john-9 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G (3DEF|G2E2D2G2|BABG E2((3DEF|G2)G2 D2d2|BGAG G2 (3DEF| GGEE D2G2|BGAG E2(3DEF|GGGE D2d2| BBAF G2|| A(B|B)AB2 e4|d3e g3(A|B)A B2e2d2|BGAG G2A(B| B)AB2e4|d3e g3a|b2a2g2e2|dBBA G2||
X: 1 T:Walk Along John [1] R:reel M:4/4 K:G "G"B3DE2D2| G2B2A2B2| B3DE2D2| "D"dB AG A"G"G3| "G"B3DE2D2| G2B2A2B2| B3DE2D2| "D"dB AG A"G"G3:| |:"G"GABde2d2|"C"dBdeg4| "G"GABde2d2|"D"dBA2"G"G4| "G"GABde2d2|"C"dBdeg3a| "Em"b2a2g2e2|"D"dBA2"G"G4:| W: Alternate progression for A part: G Bm C Em
X: 1 T:Walk Along John [1] R:reel M:2/4 L:1/8 S:Tre Green (Phoenix, Arizona, 1949) B:R.P. Christeson - Old Time Fiddler's Repertory vol. 1 (1973, No. 128) K:G B/A/|GE/G/ Dd/c/|B/G/A/G/ E/F/G/E/|DE/F/ Gd/c/|B/G/A/F/ GB/A/| GE/G/ Dd/c/|B/G/F/G/ A/c/B/A/|GE/G/ Dd/c/|B/G/A/F/ G:| |:G/A/|Be ed|B/d/e/f/ gB/A/|Be ed/c/|B/d/A/G/ EG/A/| Be ed/c/|B/d/e/f/ g/f/g/a/|ba ge|d/c/B/A/ G:|]
X:1 T:Johnny Walk along with Your Paper Collar on M:2/2 L:1/8 S:Thomas Jefferson "Duck" Wootan (1882-1864, Kimble County, central Texas) N:From a 1958 home recording by Tim Wooten F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/johnny-walk-along-your-paper-collar Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G [G,2D2]-|[G,D]DEE G2[G2B2]|[GB]BAA E2D2-|DDEE G2[G2B2]|[GB][GB]AE G2D2-| DDEE G2[G2B2]|[GB]BAA E2D2-|DDEE G2[G2B2]|[GB][GB]AE G2|| d>dde d2BA|G[GB]AG E2d2-|dedB dedB|[GB]GAF G2d2-| d>dde d2BA|G[GB]AG E2d2-|dde2 ded2|[GB]GAF G2||
X:1 T:Walk along John [1] S:Oscar "Os" Scholes (1891-1984, Mountain View, Arkansas) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/walk-along-john-1 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G [G2_B2]-|[G=B]GEG D2(DG)|GG[GB]G EGD-G-|GGEG D2ED|GGAF G2[G2_B2]-| [G=B]GED (EG)G2|GGAG EGD-G-|GGED G2d2|1[GB][GB]AF G2:|2 [M:6/4][GB][GB]AF G2[G2A2]GG[G2B2]|| |:e3d Bdef|g2ed BdB2|[e3e3]d BdAG|E2D2 (Bd)eg| e3d Bdef|g2 (ga b2)ag|e2ge dBAG |1[G2B2][GB]A G2Bd:|2[M:2/4][G2B2]||
X:1 T:Walk along John [1] S:Ellis Cowan (Missouri, Washington State) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Fast" N:From a 1966 field recording F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/walk-along-john-8 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G (3DEF|G2EG D2G2|BGAG BGAG|G2EG D2G2|BGAF G2:| A2|BABe e3d|Bdef g3e|BABe e3d|BGA(G [G3B3])A| BABe e3d|Bdef g2f2-|fg a2 g3d|BGA(G [G3B3])||
X:1 T:Walk Along John [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stuart Williams - Evergreen Fiddler, vol. 2 (2006, p. 20) B:https://wotfa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Evergreen-Fiddler-Vol-II.pdf K:G DE||"G"G2 EG D2G2|BGAG BGAF|G2 EG D2G2|"D"BGAF "G"G2:| AB-|"E"BABd e3d|Be3f "G"g2 eB-|"E"BABd e3e|"D"BGAF "G"GA| "E"BABd e3d|Bdef "G"g2g2|"D"fg a2 "G"g3d|"D"B2 AF "G"G2||