Waterloo Dance (2)
X: 1 T:Waterloo Dance [2], The. RH.106 T:Timour The Tartar,aka. RH.106 T:Blanchland Races,aka. RH.106 R:Reel S:Rev.R.Harrison's MS,c1815,Cumbria N:Marked "by H.R.Bishop". O:England A:Temple Sowerby,Cumbria Z:vmp.Simon Wilson. Review PJH, 2008. M:C L:1/8 Q:2/4=100 K:A E2|A2c/B/A eAcA|eAaA gAfA|eA c/B/A eAcA|BEcE dEBE|! A2c/B/A eAcA|eAaA gAfA|efec eaec|BABc A2:|! E2|G2G/F/E BEGE|BEdE cEBE|c2c/B/A eAcA|eAfA eAcA|! eA c/B/A aAfA|eA c/B/A aAfA|eAfe dcBA|GABA GEFG|! A2c/B/A eAcA|eAaA gAfA|eA c/B/A eAcA|BEcE dEBE|! A2c/B/A eAcA|eAaA gAfA|efed eaec|{c}BABc A2|]
X: 1 T:Waterloo Dance [2]. JBu.64 T:Timour the Tartar,aka. JBu.64 T:Blanchland Races,aka. JBu.64 O:England,South Yorkshire S:Joshua Burnett's MS,c1835,S.Yorkshire M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 R:reel Z:vmp.R.Greig.2011 K:A E2|A2cB/A/ eAcA|eAaA gAfA|eAcA eAcA|BEcE dEBE| A2cB/A/ eAcA|eAaA gAfA|efec eaec|BABc A2:| G2GF/E/|BEGE|BEdE cEBE|c2cB/A/ cAeA|eAfA eAcA| eA cB/A/ gAfA|eA cB/A/ aAfA|ecfe dcBA|GABA GEF"DC"G|]
X: 1 T:Waterloo Dance [2]. AJH.027 T:Blanchland Races,aka. AJH.027 T:Timour the Tartar,aka. AJH.027 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=200 S:A.J.Hughes MS N:Not the usual Waterloo Dance. N:More commonly known as 'Timour the Tartar' or 'Blanchland Races' O:England A:North Shropshire Z:Neil Brookes 2006 K:G D|G2 (3BAG"triplets written as 3 semiqu n MS" dGBG|dGgG fGeG|\ dG (3BAG dGcG|ADBD cDBD|! G2 (3BAG dBBA|dGg GfGeG|dedB dgdB|D2F2G3:|! |:F|F2 (3BAG FDFD|ADBD cDBD|B2(3cBA dGdG|dGgG dGeG|! dc (3BAG gGeG|dB (3BAG gGfG|dBed cBAG|GABG FDEF|"as writ"G2:|
X:67 T:Waterloo Dance [2] N:A fairly primitive version of the tune usually known as "Timour the Tartar" or N:"Blanchland Races", probably set in a friendly key for the flute. O:No 67 Wm Clarke MS Feltwell, Norfolk N:Phrase in bar 14-15 reminiscent of better-known Waterloo Dance. N:Bar 16 wrong note values in MS Z: transcribed by Lyn Law M:2/2 L:1/8 K:C G2|c2ec g2c2|c'2b2a2g2|e2Gc e2ac|B2d2f2d2| c2ec g2c2|c'2b2a2g2|g2ec g2ec|d2de c2:| |:z2|G2BG d2G2|f2e2d2c2|c2ec g2c2|c'2b2a2g2| g2ge c'2c'a|g2ge c'2c'a|g2c'2b2"^*"agfe|dcBA G2z2| c2ec g2c2|c'2b2a2g2|e2Gc e2ac|B2d2f2d2| c2ec g2c2|c'2b2a2g2|g2ec g2ec|d2de c2:|