Annotation:'Twas on the first of May brave boys

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X:1 T:'Twas on the first of May, brave boys. M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:Stanford/Petrie (1905), No. 388 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D | D2G G2G | G2F D2D | (DB)B Bc d | c3 z2A | B2B B2G | A2F D2F | G2F D2D | (D3 D2) || D | D2d d2d | d2e =f2d | c2c (cB)A | B3 z2c | d2d d2c | B2G B2c | d2G G2A | d3 || c2B | A2D D2E | (FE)F D2D | D2G A2B | c3A2A | d2d dc B | c2B (AB) c | d2G FG A | G3 G2 ||

'TWAS ON THE FIRST OF MAY BRAVE BOYS. AKA and see "Let Us Leave That As It Is," "Darby O'Leary," "Fagamaoid Sud Mar Ata Se," "Galbally Farmer." Irish, Air (6/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABChorus.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - “From Rev. Meaze(sic), Rathmullen” [Stanford/Petrie].

Printed sources : - Stanford/Petrie (Complete Collection of Petrie's Music), 1905; No. 388, p. 98.

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