Pipe Major John Balloch c. 1899TWENTY FIFTH’S OWN SCOTTISH BORDERERS’ FAREWELL TO MEERUT, THE. Scottish, March (2/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. The King's Own Scottish Borders were first raised in 1689 as Leven's Regiment, which fought the Highland army at the Battle of Killiecrankie and stood their ground. By the early 1800's they had become known as the King's Own Borderers. The regiment fostered a number of renowned pipers over the years, including the composer of "25th's Own Scottish Borderer's Farewell to Meerut", John Balloch (c. 1860-1947) of Burnfoot, Falkirk. Balloch originally joined the Cameronians in 1878, but transferred to the 25th K.O.S.B. as Pipe Major in 1886. Although he retired from the regiment in 1899, he rejoined in 1914 and served in most of the Great War, and was invalided home in 1918. HIs "Farewell to Meerut" march was inspired by his service in India.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Martin (Ceol na Fidhle, vol. 3), 1988; p. 25. Logan's Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music, Book 1, 1899; No. 13, p. 8.
Recorded sources : - Olympic 6151, The Scottish Fiddle Festival Orchestra - "Scottish Traditional Fiddle Music" (1978).