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Annotation:Abbott's Hornpipe

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X:17 T:Abbott's Hornpipe. Roose.0978 T:General Graham's Hp,aka. Roose.0978 M:C| L:1/8 Q:2/4=75 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project. Steve Mansfield 2019 K:F cB | AfcA cBGE | FEFG AFCA, | B,DCE DFdc | BAGF E2cB | AfcA cBGE | FEFG AFCA, | B,DCE DdcB | (3ABG FE F2 :| |: cB | Aceg afcA | BGef gecB | Acfe dcBA | cBAB G2cB | Aceg afcA | BGef gecB | Aceg afcA | (3cdB (3ABG F2 :|

ABBOTT"S HORNPIPE. AKA and see "General Graham's Hornpipe." English, Hornpipe (cut time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Abbott's Hornpipe" is contained in the mid-19th century music manuscript collection of Manchester, England, musician John Roose. The first strain is cognate, but not identical, with "Joshua Denton's Hornpipe", also in the Roose collection. The second strains differ.

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